Frame Anodizing

cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,980
edited December 2011 in MTB buying advice
Those of you who have had your frame anodized, where did you get it done (if you're happy with the finish of course). and how much did it cost.

Price is less of an issue than finish.

Trying to ring round and get some quotes fro someone to maybe do the Edison frame for me in Jan/Feb but would like if possible, to deal with someone who has done bike frames before and knows their stuff when it comes to prepping the frame etc.



  • delcol
    delcol Posts: 2,848
    frame was already ano when i got it so cant help there.

    but i was not overly impressed with ano it doesnt scratch as easily thats a good thing,, but i know this may sound gay and probably is gay, but i found it harder to clean my ano frame than a painted frame.

    i am a bike tart and after everyride clean aand polish my bike, the ano frame both my pace and ourkids knolly are harder to clean especially when it comes to drying also polishing was harder and it didnt come up as shiney as my other painted frames.. told you it was gay...

    if i had the choice i would not go ano again i would stick with paint...
    :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:
  • andyrm
    andyrm Posts: 550
    I'd look for a good motorcycle refinisher - all the modern bikes are alloy and I have seen some with anodised space frames. I imagine you'll have plenty of places like that in your neck of the woods?
  • Oddly enough, there are no places over here with an anodizing bath big enough for an entire frame. There are one or 2 who can do small bits and pieces, that's it though.

    I've spoken to a few places now, only 1 of them is able to do it for me though.

    The problem I seem to be finding is that the places with tanks big enough to do a frame seem to either only really do high volume orders, or are so busy they are turning work away.

    I've had a quote from Argos Cycles to paint the frame as a back-up plan, but I do really want it anodizing. (I've had a few anodized frames and never found them to be any harder to clean).
  • Pudseyp
    Pudseyp Posts: 3,514
    Oddly enough, there are no places over here with an anodizing bath big enough for an entire frame. There are one or 2 who can do small bits and pieces, that's it though.

    I've spoken to a few places now, only 1 of them is able to do it for me though.

    The problem I seem to be finding is that the places with tanks big enough to do a frame seem to either only really do high volume orders, or are so busy they are turning work away.

    I've had a quote from Argos Cycles to paint the frame as a back-up plan, but I do really want it anodizing. (I've had a few anodized frames and never found them to be any harder to clean).

    Do you know anyone a GKN on the island ? think they have big anodising baths....probably cost you a bottle of spirits.

    If not try these

    My mate used CF on his DH rig and the finish was amazing

    Tomac Synper 140 Giant XTC Alliance 1
    If the world was flat, I wouldn't be riding !
  • Chers Pud

    and isn't GKN on Isle of White? (googled)
  • Pudseyp
    Pudseyp Posts: 3,514
    Chers Pud

    and isn't GKN on Isle of White? (googled)

    Oh bollox yeah....still waking up !! :oops:
    Tomac Synper 140 Giant XTC Alliance 1
    If the world was flat, I wouldn't be riding !
  • Holyzeus
    Holyzeus Posts: 354
    Wasn't there a fella, Barry the anodiser ? Well regarded i believe
    I'll do a search
    Nicolai CC
  • Holyzeus
    Holyzeus Posts: 354
    Steve Barry
    Acorn Plating Ltd
    Unit 4B
    Vulcan Way
    GU47 9DB
    Tel: 01252 860424

    There should be posts on here and STW somewhere about him
    Nicolai CC