Wiggle Dragon Ride



  • The well publicised logistical problems didn't have a massive impact on my ride or enjoyment this year and thus me and a couple of mates have entered again for 2012. I think the long route looks great and I'm looking forward to the event as ever. I did the Devil's Elbow climb in a previous Dragon and I'm glad they've reintroduced it and revised the route in general, in particular scrapping the coastal section.

    A snip under £40 is reasonable for a big day out with loads of other like minded cyclists. Regarding costs, my missus runs half marathons and pays a similar amount to run Bath Half for example, which only lasts a couple of hours and is two laps of a fairly plain course.

    Sure my bread and butter riding is anything from 10 to 100 miles from my doorstep, either on my own or with a small group but I do like to enter at least one big mass participation event that's not too far to travel and the Dragon ticks that box.

    I tend to approach the day with expectations of my own performance, which I can control, rather than unrealistic expectations or worries about things outside my control, such as queueing, feed stops and standards of riding. I've always met interesting groups and individuals out on the route which brighten the day and often help me to dig a little deeper when I'm flagging.

    Ignore the moaners, train well, come prepared, expect to queue at times and it'll be a grand day out!
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    cwm wrote:
    Chapeau to those taking part.

    Bog off to the detractors.

    ps-it is all on my doorstep but its the craic for me.

    There will always be some who are supporters and some who are not.
    I have been both and currently the latter due to ridiculous costs involved for little in return.
    It is up to each individual to decide but as it is a forum everyone is entitled to their view :D
    LAst years was by far the worst with rubbish route, terrible delays at start and apparently poor feedstations. I did not use feedstations at all due to previous experiences so I just took my own supplies :D which begs the question why almost £40.
    I understand the appeal to many as this would be their main event of the year, chance to ride with others, some great views and not too difficult climbs, but for others they want well organised event, good feed stations, challenging and interesting route, good facilities before and after event so I can see the point of last years criticisms resulting in so many detractors.
    At least they are trying to improve this year and route looks better and Margam will improve the start, but the cost would still be a major decision for me.
    For the many on here who are saying that it is their first ride as a team, or for individuals who want a challenge and ride with others, it is not rocket science to organise a ride for yourselves.
    You could easily plan a more challenging route and more picturesque than the Dragon and still get the famous climbs in, this is a forum and you could easily make a post to try to organise others to join you and you could probably book a hotel for the cost of the dragon and do a ride with others from the forum, other clubs etc.
    Maybe I will organise one and charge £15 each :lol: actually if I rememberright, last years some one from Swansea on this forum actually organised a pre event training ride?
    For me when I go home to wales for training I sometimes go to Cardiff and join one of the clubruns who do variety of routes so I get a free ride with good cyclists "apart from the Ajax :wink: " wait for Justins response to that :D in a group at no cost :D
    Maybe some here could do that, and you could do it in other areas with good rides not just Wales. You could get soe fantastic rides with many clubs and save yourself a fortune :D
    I do see the attraction of doing the Dragon for many riders, it just does not appeal to some anymore, especially if they already did it a few times and have experienced better events.
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    @Oldwelshman, I'd be up for that as long as it's on a Sunday. I wouldn't mind paying £15 either if it went to a worthwhile charity.

    (Cardiff Ajax CC :lol: )

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • itboffin
    itboffin Posts: 20,064
    Its a lovely part of the world and a proper good day out but the queues at the start just ruined it for me, everything else seemed fine the two times i've entered even the weather (i know) - this year i'm giving the Amstel Gold a go instead all 250km of it.

    If anyones interest there's always the Tour of the black mountains which takes in some of the same-ish route and by god was that hard this year, i suffered my way around 126+ miles of pain and loved every minute of it.

    Much smaller queues and quieter back lanes but still those glorious views and climbs - dooooo eeeeeet!
    Rule #5 // Harden The Feck Up.
    Rule #9 // If you are out riding in bad weather, it means you are a badass. Period.
    Rule #12 // The correct number of bikes to own is n+1.
    Rule #42 // A bike race shall never be preceded with a swim and/or followed by a run.
  • If you're not concerned about times, why queue? I'm in and I fancy getting a half hour or so head start by just starting outside early.
    My blog: http://www.roubaixcycling.cc (kit reviews and other musings)
    Facebook? No. Just say no.
  • sub55
    sub55 Posts: 1,025
    not really a sportive type rider, but i might enter it this year. quite like the look of the route, some different roads on there for a change. I have ridden it once a couple of years ago , it was alright i suppose. But like i said, sportives are`nt really my thing.
    constantly reavalueating the situation and altering the perceived parameters accordingly
  • de_sisti
    de_sisti Posts: 1,283
    edited December 2011
    If you don't want the pay the high cost of entering, why not wait until a few days before the event
    as there's always riders pulling out for all sorts of reasons. I got mine for £15 last year the day before the
    ride. I wasn't going to enter, but a local rider couldn't do the event and wanted to recoup some money
    at short notice, so I purchased his entry. He wasn't particularly bothered about me obtaining a good
    time in his name :wink: (neither was I).

    I set off very early from Cheltenham, got to the car park in good time (had less that a 10 minute wait)
    in order to park my car, and once in the queue to start, was away about 15 minutes after the first riders
    set off. No complaints about the food (there ways plenty when I got to the feed stops) but the timing chip
    didn't work (I've got a bike computer and Suunto T6 HRM which recorded my time anyway).

    Not bothered about riding next year's event.
  • cwm
    cwm Posts: 177
    done 2010,cheered all past on top of bwlch 2011 due to knee ops,will be riding this years route in stages during training with the few of our group that still want to ride this type of event,one of them having missed both years due to his knee and hip ops.The others of our may wait outside on the day and join us for the ride without paying.

    i have also had bad experiences with the 2 sportives i have taken part in,'10 dragon and '11 etape cymru,both poorly stocked of food and drink,but being a good boy scout i came with pockets stuffed with goodies and shared with others enroute.
    This one is being done more for my knee/hip mate who has stuck by me through good times and bad as he hasnt experienced the joy of a good natter with some nutter from nuneaton on the way up the bwlch :D

    The main guy who got me into road riding isnt one who will be joining us on the day 'cos he is of the opinion of 'a total waste of money when you can ride it for free' but i bet you he will be there riding part of the route with us :lol:

    £39.50 i agree is slightly steep considering i'm having a weeks riding in france for £165 plus grub.

    Rock on,enjoy the training,relish the day out and dont take it all too seriously,its supposed to be fun after all :D
    now sharing my plods on
  • markyone
    markyone Posts: 1,119
    Done it last 2 years,having a break from it now.
    Only live just the other side of the bridge so go over to wales a bit.
    And it dont cost 40 quid.
    Colnago c60 Eps super record 11
    Pinarello F8 with sram etap
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    markyone wrote:
    Done it last 2 years,having a break from it now.
    Only live just the other side of the bridge so go over to wales a bit.
    And it dont cost 40 quid.
    try the tour of black mountains :D much more challenging route, much better scenary, this is the only one I would consider now.
    I don't understand those doing the dragonabout 7 times when the tour of black mountains is much better.
    Tour of Pembroke is also a very good one but roads are a bit more dangerous so not for the faint hearted or inexperienced.
  • cwm
    cwm Posts: 177
    Did the first part of dragon ride today,margam to crynant(1st feed stop).Cycled down to margam to meet a couple of mates to be guided around part of route.

    After nice single track lanes and road the 1st point to watch out for is the left hand turn at Tondu,dropping down a 12% to T-junction.
    http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?X=28 ... &A=Y&Z=120

    Then following main roads into Maesteg town centre you have left hander at traffic lights for your 1st climb,first 3rd of it being the steepest
    http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?X=28 ... &A=Y&Z=120

    After the grind up the next point to watch out for is the traffic light T-junction dropping down after Bryn to the top road of Cwmavon.With my specs rain soaked today i misread the traffic lights and nearly rear ended a mate.
    http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?X=27 ... &A=Y&Z=120

    A pootle along the top road then brings you to your next left hand turn into Pontrhydyfen a short pull levelling out through the village will then bring you to Efail-fach where the 1st real surprise happens.I know this pull as Sardis Hill,used to have to run it 30+yrs ago during games lessons!!!
    A short (guessing)20% rise with a false flat and another slightly longer steep grind to Cefn-Saeson finishes off the climbing for a while
    http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?X=27 ... &A=Y&Z=120

    After that its downhill to Neath,flat for a couple of miles to Aberdulais with a little drag to the 1st feed stop.
    now sharing my plods on
  • cwm
    cwm Posts: 177
    section 1-most of the 1st section of the dragon ride,missing out the start from margam park and the lanes to tondu

    section 3-heres a section of the dragon that includes the crai climb and the steep defynnog and devils elbow climbs.

    hoping to do section 2- the crynant,black mountain section in a week or so.
    now sharing my plods on
  • cwm
    cwm Posts: 177
    section 2 crynant,1st feed stop via black mountain to bottom of crai
    now sharing my plods on
  • dombo6
    dombo6 Posts: 582
    Crispyapp wrote:
    Hi all, just looking for advice on this ride. I have a confirmed entry today. It's the first time I will be riding the event and want some info on the hills? From reading the other posts it's sounds like there are a few people here with experience riding this sportive.

    I have ridden the etape du dales now 3 times, each time completing the full route. Can anyone tell me how the Dragon ride compares to the etape? The distance is roughly the same so that's no issue. And the etape climbs are pretty steep, in places there 27%.

    Has anyone here ridden both the etape and Dragon?
    How do they compare?
    Which did you feel was the hardest?
    How steep are the climbs on the Dragon?
    Is it true the Dragon climbs are more like alpine climbs, ie gradual but long?

    Any more advice would be great.

    Many thanks

    The Dragon Ride is good prep for the etape, so long as you have also done a lot more hills and distance beforehand so the Dragon is your final "taper" ride. The climbs are similar to etape but much shorter and , although on paper the two look similar, in terms of distance and climbing, you will probably take an hour or so longer in the etape. As an example, I rode the Pau-tourmalet-Hautacam etape in 2008, around 96 miles so 10 shorter than that year's Dragon. The Dragon took 7 hrs 20 min while the Etape was 8 and a quarter. Tourmalet is a 15 mile climb that took over two hours using the granny on my triple 30x25. In the Dragon 3 weeks prior i had romped up the 4 mile Bwlch happily in the 39x25 and never once used the granny. Then we finished on the 10 mile climb of Hautacam, again in the granny at 3-5mph! As well as longer climbs, you have fantastically longer descents - 20 miles of downhill off tourmalet, and on closed roads. You also have people in the villages cheering you on and especially on the hills, which helps.
    It is a great day out, even with the cr@p weather we had in '08, 2 degrees at summit of Tourmalet and drizzle/rain for most of the day.
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Tappering for a sportive ? :D Really ? Dont think theres need to taoer for a sportive, not as if sportives are pro races with riders averaging 500miles a week training.
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    I've not been training as much as I should and currently weigh in at 86kg, bloody hell the Devils Elbow was a nightmare.

    Had a steady ride from Cardiff to Sennybridge on Sunday with two mates, made it up to the last hairpin and had to stop for a breather I'm ashamed to say. I'm rubbish on hills but this is the first time I've been beaten by a hill.

    If there are any of you out there doing the Dragon Ride like me, over 85kg and find hills a struggle, I'd suggest a compact with at least a 27t at the back, after Sundays experience I'll be on a compact with 11-28.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    It must have been bad, it was actually yesterday we did it - think my mind has gone. God I hope the weather is better on the day!

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    I am only a kilo or two lighter than you at the moment :D You wont need a 27 on the back for the dragon, a 25 is plenty, just go your own pace and dont get roped in going faster, even on the flat as you will blow.
    Let the guy who I borrowed £130 off knpow I will return it soon lol I am down april 27th next on track and will either race sunday or go on ride from maindee again.
    There were not many left doing through and off last ride :D two of us, dont suppose you can call it through and off then :D
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    I am only a kilo or two lighter than you at the moment :D You wont need a 27 on the back for the dragon, a 25 is plenty, just go your own pace and dont get roped in going faster, even on the flat as you will blow.
    Let the guy who I borrowed £130 off knpow I will return it soon lol I am down april 27th next on track and will either race sunday or go on ride from maindee again.
    There were not many left doing through and off last ride :D two of us, dont suppose you can call it through and off then :D

    I think there is a significant difference in ability between us oldwelshman, I'll stick to a 27 or maybe a 28 :lol:

    I was one of the first to drop off the back that day. I should have gone out with the middle group. Think I need to do some hill repeats on Leckwith Hill which is just down the road from me. See you soon.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    Forget hill repeats lol if you do them the same you may not get any better lol just keep going in 1st group that will improve you for sure. Hill repeats can be boring and youcan get fed up of them easily.
  • benno68
    benno68 Posts: 1,689
    Forget hill repeats lol if you do them the same you may not get any better lol just keep going in 1st group that will improve you for sure. Hill repeats can be boring and youcan get fed up of them easily.

    Will do mate, to be honest I think I need to man up and push harder on the hills. I just do the odd sportive and really cycle for fun and fitness but like most, I want to be as good as I can and hills are a definite weakness.

    Pinarello Dogma 2 (ex Team SKY) 2012
    Cube Agree GTC Ultegra 2012
    Giant Defy 105 2009
  • cwm wrote:
    I've got the strava KOM for that climb, would nice to have some competition
    as no one has got close yet :P
    10 mile TT pb - 20:56 R10/17
    25 - 53:07 R25/7
    Now using strava http://app.strava.com/athletes/155152
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    cwm wrote:
    I've got the strava KOM for that climb, would nice to have some competition
    as no one has got close yet :P
    Is that a race then ?
  • cwm wrote:
    I've got the strava KOM for that climb, would nice to have some competition
    as no one has got close yet :P
    Is that a race then ?

    Nah just a bit of fun, something for you lot to do to break the ride up a bit (I havent entered by the way)
    too busy on the TT scene :P
    10 mile TT pb - 20:56 R10/17
    25 - 53:07 R25/7
    Now using strava http://app.strava.com/athletes/155152
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    cwm wrote:
    I've got the strava KOM for that climb, would nice to have some competition
    as no one has got close yet :P
    Is that a race then ?

    Nah just a bit of fun, something for you lot to do to break the ride up a bit (I havent entered by the way)
    too busy on the TT scene :P
    Ah right :-) I am not doing it either but did it last year for bit of endurance training for track.
    Only sportive I am doing this year is in Philippines in three weeks :D I dont do TT scene lol any TT over 5 miles and I would fall asleep lol done couple of short ones in 2 day race but thats it.
    Strava seems popular up my way but not sure how many racing guys use it in Wales.
  • King Donut
    King Donut Posts: 498
    I have a spare entry for the Dragon (med or long routes) if anyone wants it? Obviously not looking to make profit, just get back what I paid, plus the £10 transfer cost. £49.50 total

    Gutted to be missing out on the fun!
  • oldwelshman
    oldwelshman Posts: 4,733
    King Donut wrote:
    I have a spare entry for the Dragon (med or long routes) if anyone wants it? Obviously not looking to make profit, just get back what I paid, plus the £10 transfer cost. £49.50 total

    Gutted to be missing out on the fun!
    If you get your money back, dont feel gutted, wayyyyyy too expensive, feel relieved you dont have topay 39.50 to ride some local roads with a couple of innadequately stocked feed stations and chaos at start lol
  • King Donut
    King Donut Posts: 498
    King Donut wrote:
    I have a spare entry for the Dragon (med or long routes) if anyone wants it? Obviously not looking to make profit, just get back what I paid, plus the £10 transfer cost. £49.50 total

    Gutted to be missing out on the fun!
    If you get your money back, dont feel gutted, wayyyyyy too expensive, feel relieved you dont have topay 39.50 to ride some local roads with a couple of innadequately stocked feed stations and chaos at start lol

    Personally I think it's a bargain! :wink:

    Isn't that the same argument with all sportives?!