Btwin Triban 3 exact measurements

tchacky Posts: 3
edited December 2011 in Road beginners
Hello everybody,

Being an outright newbie on the forum I cannot but apologise for double-posting this question, even though it had no significant replies in the past.

I am about to buy a Btwin Triban 3 (don't judge me! :wink:) and I am totally puzzled by the sizes advertised by Decathlon/Btwin and the lack of proper information on their respective websites. I wonder whether you could shed some light on it.

My inside-leg measures 84cm and according to all conversion tables I could find I should go for a 55cm-seat-tube frame. I spoke to people at Decathlon, and I have been recommended the "size 57" Triban 3. However, they measured a 48cm seat tube on it. Apparently the "57" goes for a "virtual horizontal/top tube length". Yet, I am not quite convinced. :|

Does anybody have an idea where exact factory measurements for Triban bikes can be found? Or, more generally, do you have any hint what Triban's size best fits a 84cm inside-leg?

Thanks in advance for all of your help!



  • Ok, solved the issue anyway, for those who may need this in the future:
    • B'twin Triban 3 size 54, seat tube 45cm, top tube (real) 53cm, top tube (virtual) 54cm;
    • B'twin Triban 3 size 57, seat tube 48cm, top tube (real) 55cm, top tube (virtual) 57cm.

