Planet X...

fatboy23 Posts: 36
edited December 2011 in Road buying advice
Recently I found the top bearing in my Nanolight Guru headset was completely seized and both were rusty.

When I raised this issue with Planet X, I was advised that it would be caused by either a lack of maintenance or 'wear and tear' ... this bike is about 6months old.

I would be more inclined to believe that it's caused by water entering the frame through the headset. I found 400ml in the frame after getting caught out in the rain for little over an hour.

Does anyone else find it necessary to remove, dry and re-grease their headset everytime their bike gets wet?
My winter bike gets ridden in all the worst conditions and not once have i had a problem with the headset in over 3 years.



  • done 7 years riding on my fondriest in some right downpours, never had a problem like you have described and neither have i had it ever stripped down just for a service.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    Do you ever use it on the turbo ?
  • Never used on the turbo...
  • flasher
    flasher Posts: 1,734
    Sounds like a crappy headset, personally I'd just replace it and move on!
  • Monty Dog
    Monty Dog Posts: 20,614
    Down to poor maintenance I'm afraid - if you've ridden in the rain, the water from the back wheel trickles down the seatpost and into the frame - if you hang the bike from the back wheel then you'll probably give the headset a good bath in dirty water between use. Buy better quality bearings, keep 'em greased regular and carry on riding..
    Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..
  • Monty Dog wrote:
    Down to poor maintenance I'm afraid - if you've ridden in the rain, the water from the back wheel trickles down the seatpost and into the frame - if you hang the bike from the back wheel then you'll probably give the headset a good bath in dirty water between use. Buy better quality bearings, keep 'em greased regular and carry on riding..

    I tend to empty the frame when it fills... not leave it for a soak
  • I also have a Nanolight High Modular & find the headset to be very substandard. I am looking for a replacement!

    Ps: You're not the first person i have come across on these forums complaining about Planet X headsets.