BBC "London Emergency live" - beware helmet content.....

beverick Posts: 3,461
edited December 2011 in The bottom bracket
I've just been looking at the London Emergency 'live' site on the beeb:

I noticed the entry for 07:30:

"Debabani and James have already been called out to the scene of a collision between a car and a cyclist. The cyclist, who wasn't wearing a helmet, has a swollen and bruised ankle. James, the paramedic, says the cyclist was lucky to escape without suffering any head injuries."

Er, how can an ankle injury be so serious as to need the use of a protective helmet?



  • GiantMike
    GiantMike Posts: 3,139
    I think that whenever anybody falls off a bike they are lucky if they don't hit their head. I have seen 2 accidents in the last year or so where a rider's helmet was severely damaged as a result of falling off a bike. Neither of these involved cars. 1 was caused by 2 bikes getting tangled and the other was a rider over-cooking a slippery descent.

    James's view was that the rider was lucky to have not received head injuries. As a health care professional who is used to being the first professional at the scene of bike accidents, I'd take his views with some credibility.

    Be safe out there guys.
  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    To be honest he was lucky not to be attacked by an escaped lion too. Good job he had his lucky underpants on eh?