Personal Injury Cover

Mojo_666 Posts: 860
edited December 2011 in MTB general
Does anyone here have any experience with Personal Injury Cover for MTB'ing? any self employed, contractors who may not benefit from an employers sick pay.

Just wondering who you would go with and why and what things you may want to consider?



  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Haven't got any but having been out for a month and thus getting no income as a contractor, thanks to a nice bike smash, I wonder if I should. Depends on the costs though as I'm covered by my business that builds up a fund anyway for rainy days and being on the bench. If I don't need it then the money is mine and not down the drain in an insurance company. Though if I did something big enough to keep me off work for a year then insurance would be better.

    There are income protection and life insurances that in theory covers for these things too but not sure they'd pay out for MTB injuries.

    The way I look at it is my company is paid equivalent to the overhead cost of employing someone and it has to basically do the sick pay. Maybe it could get insurance for its employees (i.e. me).
  • Mojo_666
    Mojo_666 Posts: 860
    I put money aside for bench time, problem is I don't want to treat bench time the same as injury time. Being benched still means you are available to work, being bed bound means your not and I want to factor for that.

    Looking at these bods atm ... insurance/
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Hmm, the standard loss of earnings amounts they cover per week isn't even enough to pay my daily rate :D. Though can bump it up. No cover for first 14 days though for loss of earnings. You do get £20 a day for being in hospital though. Would have been a nice bonus for my week in there. Or at least pay for the Internet fees!

    Would cover me for skiing too (still need travel insurance to cover costs abroad though). Not competitive MTB, so any events is another insurance on top.

    Not sure on the employment type though. I'm technically both self employed and a company director and normal work is in an office. So could be A or C. If I add the full optional extra cover (£500 a week) it works out twice the price under C !
  • Mojo_666
    Mojo_666 Posts: 860
    Same here but it is enough to cover my outgoings so I would not eat into savings.

    Those are just examples mind I think the distinction they are trying to make is if your main body of work is office based or manual, the difference being I could still do IT (Office work) with a broken leg, shoulder etc where as a tradesman still has to be fully as I am guessing you have a LTD company but are an engineer/tradesman? then you have to go for C? I guess..............
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    Yeah, don't know. Software contractor with a Ltd company. I could even work from home if sufficiently immobilised but can type on a computer at least.
  • welshkev
    welshkev Posts: 9,690
    my brother used to have some mike. i'll check with him and get back to you. a 'friend' had some for when he played rugby. he even got a huge payout after he smacked me in the mouth, cut his hands on my teeth and his arm went septic and he nearly had to have it amputated...dick :lol:
  • Mojo_666
    Mojo_666 Posts: 860
    Nice one Kev, message me when you have something, I am hoping to get the policy sorted in the next fortnight so no immediate rush.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Generally speaking there are life companies that offer this sort of thing, though many are subject to dangerous sports exclusions. I'd start with money supermarket type places.
  • Take out medical insurance from your local Bank, as I have taken out some, some time back. It covers you if you stay in Hostpital for a few nights more when you stay for longer than expected.
  • BC Gold includes personal accident cover, ie lump sums for various severe injuries and overnight payments for hospital cover.
    Team4Luke supports Cardiac Risk in the Young