WARNING: Eccles Cake Rip Off !

Gizmodo Posts: 1,928
edited December 2011 in The bottom bracket
I have just got back from my local co-op because I needed a loaf of bread for post ride sausage sandwiches.

I had the shock of my life - I was just about to buy a pack of 4 Eccles Cakes when I noticed ....

They weren't Eccles Cakes! :!: Be Warned they are now disguising Mince Pies to look like Eccles Cakes to fool us into buying a more seasonal filling :!: It's a dispicable trick that should be made illegal in my opinion and I will be writing to my MEP (when I find out who he or she is).

Thankfully they had a small label on the packaging that they were in fact mince pies, but they sure looked like Eccles Cakes.

You've been warned, keep your eyes peeled and be safe out there!
