Don't you just love it when...

hulla the hulla
hulla the hulla Posts: 338
edited December 2011 in The bottom bracket
You look at the weather forecast, think...mmmm, not sure about going out tomorrow, looks a bit iffy. You look out the window at first light and the roads are wetter than a fishes fanny and all looks lost. Then you get the call, "you coming out?" .... And you think what the hell, it's not going to be pretty but in for a penny!

What happens next is a thing of beauty. The weather front visibly moves overhead to reveal a pure, unbroken blus sky. You and your mates snatch victory from the jaws of failure, have a stonking ride and you thank the great Lord Jedi that you bothered to haul arse out of bed and make the effort.

What a bloody good day and a fantastic ride. One happy chappy :)
A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it

Canyon Aeroad 7.0 summer missile
Trek 2.1 winter hack


  • :D

    I have this dilemma tomorrow am :mrgreen: but you have persuaded me 8)
    All the gear, but no idea...
  • went out yesterday, not a breath of wind until 30 miles, then it got up and was a tailwind all the way home. i did plan it though
  • Yossie
    Yossie Posts: 2,600
    I looked out of the window this morning having planned a ride with a friend: pure black skies, hissing down, freezing cold.

    Stuff that - I'm now on the couch being a soft lad drinking double espreso, snuggling up to the kids and waiting for Nina to come on. Aaaaaah, bless.

    Anyway, enough of that soft shyyyyte, normal service will soon be resumed. I'm off to blow something up.
  • anto164
    anto164 Posts: 3,500
    I had this yesterday. Left the house in the pi$$ing rain to meet the club. Got to the club meet point and the rain had stopped. Left for the club ride, rained for 5 minutes, then the rain went. Sun came out, and the clouds buggered off.

    Only problem was the bloody wind..
  • *AL*
    *AL* Posts: 1,185
    You look at the weather forecast.....

    .......and they spend the 1st 3 minutes of the forecast telling you what the weather was today.

    I know what the weather was today, I was out in it :roll: