Flat spot safe?
I had an accident last week where someone stepped into the road without looking and i crashed into them and went over the bars. The bike was ok except for a slight buckle in the front wheel. Ive just got the bike back from Evans who trued the wheel for me but although they have got rid of the buckle they say that it has a slight flat spot that they can't get out. They said it would be fine but just wanted to check on here what people thought. Is this safe?
British Standard for new bikes permits 5mm of radial 'truth' in the wheel, so unless it's bigger than that it's unlikely to be noticeable. The problem with low-spoke wheels is that bigger gaps between spokes means bigger flat-spots on the rim are more likely when re-trueing - the only other option would be a new rim I'm afraid.Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..0
I should have added that as long as the vertical deviation doesn't cause the brake block to go above or below the rim brake track, then it's perfectly safe. Any more could start being a problem.Make mine an Italian, with Campagnolo on the side..0
Many thanks Monty Dog reassuring to know0