Kentish Killer 2012

TMR Posts: 3,986
I've signed up for the 70 mile route of the Kentish Killer in February 2012. Has anyone done it this year? If so, what were your impressions of the route and organisation?

I am really looking forward to it, but I know it's going to be hard work :)


  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    It's an excellent sportive very well organised.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    Is this the same as the Hell of the Ashdown??
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    rodgers73 wrote:
    Is this the same as the Hell of the Ashdown??

    No loads better!

    Better feed stations, car parking and food after the event.
  • What's the total elevation for the 70 mile route? I looked at the map of the ride but couldn't work out how to find out what the total climbing was. Quite a lot I guess given the name...
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    What's the total elevation for the 70 mile route? I looked at the map of the ride but couldn't work out how to find out what the total climbing was. Quite a lot I guess given the name...

    Apparently 7000 ft, so roughly 2 KM of climbing.
  • Sounds like fun, I've entered. First sportive that I'll have done, so might as well enter a tough one, and its good training for stuff lined up later on in the year.

    Anyone know a bike friendly (and preferably flat!) route from Sevenoaks to Brands Hatch. I'm dependent on public transport and will be coming via train into Sevenoaks I think.
  • Only one 'flatish' route really, along the A225 through Otford and Eynsford, turn right at Farningham on to A20. About 40-45 minutes ride time.

    Train from Sevenoaks to Eynesford every half hour, first train 07.54. About 15 minutes on train, then about 15 mins ride to Brands Hatch.

    1 place left.
    Live to ski
    Ski to live
  • Cheers, many thanks for that. Train option might make more sense so can save the legs..
  • My brother and I somehow have two different start times 09.00 and 09.20. As most of our club are off at the same time as me, how persnickety are the Organisers with riders starting at their allocated times? I don't fancy chasing our lot for an hour or so if it can be avoided?
    Live to ski
    Ski to live
  • Due to a combination of man-flu and c0cked up trains I won't be doing this tomorrow. If anyone fancies the entry they can have it. Not looking for cash for it. Drop me a message and I'll email you my entry. It's for the 70 mile route, 9.15 start.
  • TMR
    TMR Posts: 3,986
    Just got back from the Kentish Killer. Hardest ride I have done. Ever. Whoever put those climbs in the last 4 miles should be shot. I didn't stop on any climb, but I didn't manage to finish under 5 hours. Perhaps next year.

    Brutal course.
  • russello
    russello Posts: 102
    I'll second that. This was my first sportive, and being fairly local had to give it a go. Got round in 4hr 35, and feeling it now!

    As you say, the the climb at the end in in Otford was just plain wrong.

    BTW - the organisers are now saying they underestimated how hard the course was, claiming that they got the target times wrong by 20 mins.

    Really well organised, great bunch of riders, and fantastic weather. Highly recommended.
  • Have to say that it was a great sportive. Well organised although there were a couple of areas where signage wasn't all that great, but marshalls informing of clear roads was great. All sportives should do this!

    I did take — what looks like from your Garmin deets — a 2 mile detour. I missed the left turn to Otford but happy with my time although I guess without the detour I would have been 5-7mins quicker. :cry:
    Up: Wilier Mortirolo
    Down: Orange Patriot
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    edited February 2012
    Had man flu but soldiered on

    Took the 50 option that wasn't easy at all. I got what i considered a good time but think there are some times posted that look a trifle suspicious.

    A few of us said signage was a little lacking and on the 50 route I never saw a feed station.

    Brutal route though that I'll be using for the future.
  • russello
    russello Posts: 102
  • Along with many others, missed the sign into St Clare Lane after just 1 mile and ended up near Otford rather than going down Exedown Hill. Missed sign to go down Bailey's, turned around and came back. Missed the sign for the 1st food stop.

    Yellow and black signs in winter light just do not work.
    Live to ski
    Ski to live
  • Gazzaputt
    Gazzaputt Posts: 3,227
    Revised times are up.
  • Ridg
    Ridg Posts: 98
    Gazzaputt wrote:
    Had man flu but soldiered on

    Took the 50 option that wasn't easy at all. I got what i considered a good time but think there are some times posted that look a trifle suspicious.

    A few of us said signage was a little lacking and on the 50 route I never saw a feed station.

    Brutal route though that I'll be using for the future.

    I did the 50 mile route too, well the 56 mile route as the signage was missing for the first couple of groups. We got greeted by one of the motorbike riders about 30 mins in and then pointed back in the right direction.

    Personally I found the signage shocking when you compare it to say the wiggle events, for example sign for the split of the short / medium & long was placed on the junction where you're already going down a hill so have to scrub off all speed only to start another climb.

    Like you say the top 2 for the 50 are well suspect, the third is plausable but given the climbs involved :?
    I only managed 3:39:18.0 although my suunto is saying I did 90Km opposed from the 80Km it should have been.

    Either way the weather was good so it was a nice starter for the '12 sportive season.