
essex-commuter Posts: 2,188
edited November 2011 in Commuting chat

Seems to have disappeared, anyone know anything?

This was my fav site for planning rides :?


  • CiB
    CiB Posts: 6,098
    AFAIK Bikehike was pretty much a one-man-band operation; maybe he's just got fed up of it or decided not to pay the hosting fees for the domain + associated DB. It happens.

    Plants seeds of doubt re SC Stats web site continuing beyond the forseeable future... :wink:
  • apreading
    apreading Posts: 4,535
    Seems to do it every now and then - last time it was gone for about a week. Lets hope its back as I find the others unworkable but bikehike just about perfect.

    If he doesnt want to host it I am sure plenty of people (me included) would.
  • it's back!

    I use

    when bikehike goes away. but it's not as good I like the way it works and the os maps as well etc.