Pedals for dodgy knee...

chortlon-sim Posts: 135
edited November 2011 in Road beginners
Hi, I'm knew to road cycling and have a dodgy knee. I've mtb'd for years and use SPDs with maximum float and need an equivalent for the road - I'm happy to lose power and have a less 'fixed' connection to avoid exacerbating the knee. It's been suggested I get Look Keos but there seems to be a few, can anyone suggest specific ones and which cleats I should look to buy?
Cheers in advance


  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    If spd's work for you, why not stick them on the road bike?
  • Yes, I had thought about that, what is the reason for not doing so? All the people I know who both road (or tri) and mtb have separates but can't really justify why.
  • pbt150
    pbt150 Posts: 316
    No reason you can't do this, other than some very clever marketing from various bicycle companies!

    There is a small improvement in the 'fixed' connection you talk about, but frankly if you're worried about your knees, stick with what works for you!
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    No reason at all. Loads of people do it, me included. Just make sure you have a decent shoe with a stiff-ish sole.

    I have touring type shoes so the cleats are recessed into the sole (like MTB shoes, but sleeker) For me the major benefit is being able to walk normally when I hop off the bike. The alternative of looking like a duck on rollerskates doesn't appeal to me.
  • I use SPDs for my road bike.

    I ride with people using SL and am just as able as them.

    Its makes no difference really for the casual/enthusiast ride. I imagine it would make a difference towards the more competitive end of the spectrum, but assuming you are like me, then the difference is negligible.
  • I had to give up cycling 20 years ago due to a dodgy knee. 15 years later I found out it was because i was using old fashioned (rock solid) clips and cleats, with zero float, locking my knees into an unnatural angle.

    The solution, 5 years ago: SPDs, MTB-style, max float.

    These work for me. I've been amazed to have returned to cycling and not had a recurrance of the old knee problem. All my bikes have SPD (MTB) pedals now. I would never risk a change. My 47-year-old knees are still ok.

    Modern MTB shoes have rock solid soles, transfer power the same as road shoe systems and are easy to walk in. Unless you're racing, road clip-in systems are just one massive Emporer's New Clothes marketing myth, in my opinion. Unless you're a racer, I do not believe the road clip-in systems offer any advantage to the average commuter/sportive/recreational rider and they make you walk like you've sh1t your pants. :shock:
  • keef66
    keef66 Posts: 13,123
    Plus the cleats last for years rather than wearing out in months like the common plastic road cleats do.
  • All good stuff guys and all pointing to the same thing. The bike is for racing triathlon so essentially 25-55 mile time trial but assuming I get low profile, stiff soled shoes i should be fine (plus I don't have to get my feet into the shoes while already clipped in - I can just run through transition). GIven this Sidi shoes would poss be the best...?