Things I am doing instead of working for a living ....

slowlanejane Posts: 312
edited November 2011 in The bottom bracket
I am now time rich and cash poor, following redundancy in October. I am missing the cash but loving the time. Jobhunting and trying to fish for freelance tasks, I am really making an effort to be re-employed ASAP. Honestly. It's just, in the meantime I am loving not working. I can fill my days no end with nothing-in-particular. For example, this week:

Yesterday I adopted rabbit and a guinea pig - for the children of course, not for me, oh no.
Today I am building their outdoor run. And giving them lots of cuddles and feeding them apples, for the kids of course, important to make sure they're handled a lot.
I am also doing a bit of gardening today.

Day before yesterday I cycled to Windsor, shopped for my Xmas gift list in my preferred cycle shop, went swimming, cycled back.

Day before that I pootled exploring national cycle route 4 for pretty much most of the day.

Day before that I left the car at school after dropping off kids, ran home, cycled to all my errands all day, ran back to school to collect kids in the avo & drive home.

Busy busy.

Compared to commuting / working / kids / not having any time & energy left for exercise, well ...


  • daviesee
    daviesee Posts: 6,386
    Being bored just shows a lack of imagination.

    In my life I have been time rich and money poor. I am now money rich (relatively) and time poor.
    One is better in the long term (thinking about retirement) but the other is so much more fun.
    Just make the most of whatever you do have. Money or time.
    None of the above should be taken seriously, and certainly not personally.