How was 2011 for you?

Brian B
Brian B Posts: 2,071
Despite 2011 being one of the worst years for rain(well north of Manchester onwards) I have probably had one the best years ever.

Started my season with the Lakeland Loop and beat last years time but found Hardknott Pass really hard as I ahd had hardly any real time on the road due to the bad winter we had in Scotland which only really ended in March.

The Fred's weather was terrible and finished 10mins slower than last year at 7:37 but was pleased with that result. Had really severe food poisoning after the Fred but still managed the 5 Dales but really should not have as I was still ill but managed the long route.

Did the Le Terrier also and found it more difficult than the parcours suggested but again the weather was bad for this event.

My main event was the Marmotte. Had done all the climbs 7 years ago but not just in one day. I did the event with who I have holidayed 3 times now and spent the first few days at Provence and took another few mins of my best time up the Ventoux. The Marmotte was great, weather fantastic and had the best day cycling ever. Got a Gold time at 8:20 which is not bad for a 40 year recreational cyclist.

I did the Ken Laidlaw Sportive again this year and this is the best value event on the calender. Finished my sportive season with the Ullapool Sportive and this has the best scenery in the whole of the UK. What a course and its just too much to take in.

I have done a few big runs on my own but all in all 2011 was a great year. Not going a cycling holiday next year and may do a few more british ones as there are certainly a lot to pick from.

How was 2011 for you?
Brian B.


  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    2011? Freaking awesome. Best year yet. 1. Broke back and collar bone in crash. 2. Lost dream job because of 1.
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • twotyred
    twotyred Posts: 822
    Great year for me too. First year I've done proper structured training so at 50 I'm riding faster than I ever have and enjoying it a lot more. Did the White Horse Challenge, The Hampshire Hilly Hundred, Cotswold Spring Classic and the Dragon Ride, then like you I did the Marmotte, got a silver medal and had my best day on a bike too. Now back in training to go for gold next year.
  • 3Pears
    3Pears Posts: 174
    I had a fantastic year too, plenty of events, racing and Sportives, loads more time to ride my bike - just awesome :lol:
    Highlight, apart from family issues, was the Dreilander-Giro sportive, that climbs the Passo Stevio, this mountain had me pooping my pants but got reassurance from your brothers blog (RichyBoy) from when you all rode over there a few years ago :P

    NapD sorry to here bout your specialist post being effected by your crash but hey just chase that 30yr finish line :wink:

    Roll on 2012
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412

    Rode from London to E Pyrenees in France and then cycled up and down some mountains for a few days. Could have stayed there for weeks it's like a cycling paradise beautiful mountain ranges, smooth tarmac and hardly any traffic.

    Gonna do alps next year (as well as more Pyrenees) but don't think it'll be the same.
  • I cycled past Claire Balding as she was doing an OB at Aintree. Sublime.

    NapD, did you not also become a father once again - the most precious and beautiful gifts are often overlooked you know. Here's hoping for a better roll of the dice for you and yours in 2012.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • notsoblue
    notsoblue Posts: 5,756
    Did my first sportive this year, and managed three in total. The Wiggle Mendip ride, the Etape Cymru and the Wiggle Devil's Punchbowl. Thoughts:
    - Sportives are lots of fun!
    - Wiggle organises excellent small scale Sportives
    - I'll probably do the Etape Cymru again, but my expectations will be much lower...
  • phreak
    phreak Posts: 2,941
    It's been a good year. My two main rides were the Granfondo Giordana and the Marco Pantani Memorial Sportive in Italy and France respectively. They were two fantastic rides that I'd really recommend, although the Mortirolo is a pig of a climb.

    Having done a bit of riding in Europe over the past few years I cut back on UK sportives quite a bit this year as they don't really seem the same having cycled abroad. The Hell of Ashdown started things off as usual with a poor Little Lumpy following and then the Dragon ride. Don't suppose I'll even do the Hell this year as they've whacked the price up to £25 and the other two weren't very good so doubt I'll be back for those either.
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    Seen U Brian at a few of the sportives you mentioned, though i never done any of them near you're times I enjoyed the lot. But the Unbeatable has got to be cycling a few Cols round the Bourg De Osions (and Chamoniux) area(s). I need to get back there Although I think the other Half wants to go to Germany and a coupla work mates are talking about Spain next Year.
  • glasgowbhoy
    glasgowbhoy Posts: 1,341
    edited November 2011
    Nice round up Brian.

    Like you I also did the early season events like the Lakeland and the Fred. Hardnott was a bit of an eye opener (even the 2nd time with the extra miles in the legs) but finished in times even I was surprised by.
    Also did the Caledonia Etape, Kinross and a sportive in East Lothian as prep for my main season goal -La Marmotte.
    Was good to meet you after it,especially as you were so stoked on your day and good time. My 7.34 (8 hours door to door) was enough for me to tick that box and move on. A great day out and an achievement for any cyclist regardless of ability.
    I joined a club this year and goals are all road racing related now. I entered a few road races towards the end of the season and in the 2/3/4 races I was hanging on. I placed in a 4th Cat race in the top 10 and will be racing regularly in 2012 determined to get a 3rd Cat race licence.
    All the best for next year Brian.
  • glasgowbhoy
    glasgowbhoy Posts: 1,341
    oops double post
  • napoleond
    napoleond Posts: 5,992
    I cycled past Claire Balding as she was doing an OB at Aintree. Sublime.

    NapD, did you not also become a father once again - the most precious and beautiful gifts are often overlooked you know. Here's hoping for a better roll of the dice for you and yours in 2012.

    True. Was very hard not being able to hold her for a couple of months :(
    Insta: ATEnduranceCoaching
    ABCC Cycling Coach
  • Mine has been nothing short of horrible. I am not comparing mine to a broken back, however i snapped my knee in Jauary and my outlook was

    1) 3 mths in a knee brace with zero weight bearing (Signed off work for 3mths, returned after 1 week)
    2) A further 3 months of physio and exercises to learn to walk again
    3) A further 3 months before my knee would be deemed 'fixed'

    I will never play football again.
    I cant walk without a limp
    I cant run anymore (Phsio appt with sports specific physio on tuesday to see if this can be rectified)
    Havent been on my MTB for over 12mths.

    BUT I HAVE DISCOVERED ROAD CYCLING :-) My compensation for doing this whilst playing a fa registered match paid for my new road bike!!
  • 2011 was just my 2nd year as a cyclist & i have loved it! I have built up myself a super duper new bike & have completed my target of completing 2 sportives a month from March til November. Highlights include Action Peak 100 mile in Yorks for it's tough course & even tougher conditions, Cycling Weekly 100 mile sportive for the brilliant course including Box Hill & White Down, & the Wiggle Wight Ferry sportive for the fun & novelty factor (and for getting my first 'gold standard' over 100 miles).

    My aims for next year will be...

    Do tougher Sportives like the Fred Whitton, Dragon Ride & a few more.
    Spend a week in the Alps climbing a few Cols
    Train better & harder & more often.
    Lose a bit of weight. I'm no pie eater but i am a bit overweight for my optimum fitness.
    Go to Majorca for a decent training camp

    I would love to tackle La Marmotte but i don't think i will be at that level yet. I would like to have a go at the Whitton & Dragon just for the climbing aspect & get the time in the saddle & then i will be able to gauge where I'm at for the Alps & then see what i need to do!

    Roll on 2012...can't wait!
  • JamesB
    JamesB Posts: 1,184
    How was 2011 for you?

    Good thanks Brian, despite not seeing you and Robbieboy at sportives !

    A couple sportives Forest Dean and CycleOps @ Marshbrook and then Raid Alpine in sunshine, sunshine ALL week :D

    Fulfilled ambition of ridng Izoard and Iseran as well as getting over Bonette. 740 km of enjoyment and 16 500m climbing; a superbly organised trip thanks to Marmot Tours :D
    Next year is Raid Corsica long days out, 1000km in 6 days, being early in year too difficult to prepare for.

    As with you chaps in Scotland winter here in Wales starts now and ends in April at best :( so Corsica end May will be a big challenge
  • Been an up and down year, but on the whole a good one.

    A week in the Alps with the Marmotte at the end was outstanding - going back next year it was so good. :)

    Racing going ok then a couple of crashes put an end to any chances of going up to 2nd Cat - probably just as well though and thankfully no serious injuries.

    The Cycling Weekly sportive around Dorking was great, as was the Hampshire Hilly Hundred.
    127 miles of the Wiggle Magnificat in the pouring rain was cycling masochism at its most extreme :shock:
  • fossyant
    fossyant Posts: 2,549
    2011 - Good/bad.

    Good - Finally got my shoulder operated on. Bad it's still buggered and have permanent nerve damage (bike car RTA in 2008). Still having physio. No Sportives or any ride longer than one 60 miler. Only riding for a couple of hours/40 miles maximum. Weekend rides have been few due to my shoulder. 2 road bikes and a MTB getting dusty.

    Commute every day though to keep the miles up.

    Next year - we'll see ! If I get treatment sorted and the claim finished, then things might change.
  • 2011 was a mixture of highs and lows for me.
    i avoided winter bugs etc had a good start to the racing season but suffered from cramp in a few races and suffered very badly in the Dartmoor classic, after leaving all my recipe of salts in the car :oops:
    Had a great Maratona but picked up Pneumonia during the trip :(
    determined to finish on a high in at least a couple of end of season races, i discovered that the TCTP really does work :D
    But highlight of the yr was seeing my daughter get a 2nd in her first proper mixed boys/girls road race, trouble is she doesnt really like cycling and prefers to run xc...very odd :lol:
    2012... do some more 5 and 6 hr rides over winter and take it from there come january :)