100 cols in 10 days

phreak Posts: 2,941
Just looked at the Dolomites version of this. Looks bloody brutal. Anyone done this before?



  • The cent cols is supposed to be an achievement and as you reach 100 cols you can enter the restricted club (club de cent cols). You can do them all in 10 days, of course, but what's the point? Looking back will you remember the San Marco from The Santa Cristina from the Giau or everything will merge into a continuous undefined relentless up and down?
    Personally I think it is a stupid challenge...
    left the forum March 2023
  • The cent cols is supposed to be an achievement and as you reach 100 cols you can enter the restricted club (club de cent cols). You can do them all in 10 days, of course, but what's the point? Looking back will you remember the San Marco from The Santa Cristina from the Giau or everything will merge into a continuous undefined relentless up and down?
    Personally I think it is a stupid challenge...

    This and that Alpine 'Challenge' are just ways of yuppies being parted with pots of cash to get smoke blown up their arses by people who pitch these events as competitions or races.

    DIY trips are easy and more rewarding and you get to spend the time you want in some awesome places without being rushed off.
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Personally I'd love to do the Pyrenees trip but it would be too much for me. 3000 meters / 130km a day would be my limit now I think. To do that trip in say 15 days with my bags being carted around for me would be some experience, those mountains are beautiful.
  • Evil Laugh wrote:
    Personally I'd love to do the Pyrenees trip but it would be too much for me. 3000 meters / 130km a day would be my limit now I think. To do that trip in say 15 days with my bags being carted around for me would be some experience, those mountains are beautiful.

    You can do the Raid Pyrenees, which is an old and beautiful challenge... from the Ocean to the Mediterranean in 100 hours. Marmot tours organises it for you at a very reasonable price. I did it last year and enjoyed it rather a lot.
    3K of climbing a day, give or take
    left the forum March 2023
  • Evil Laugh
    Evil Laugh Posts: 1,412
    Thanks I'll take a look. Definitely going back next year to explore more. :)

    Edit: Ok that looks really good.
  • Three friends did the Pyrenees one this year and thought it was brilliant. They all have good jobs so the cost wasn't a big issue but they got what they wanted. They said the work the organisers put into it was immense and allowed them to do something without having to think of anything other than riding, eating and sleeping.
    I understand that many of us can't or don't want to pay for organised trips but it gets pretty tiresome to constantly read comments that suggest that organisers are only out to rip you off. It's a choice. If you want to organise your own trip, you can. If you want someone to take care of all the logistics for you, then you can do that too.
    People pay a premium for good service in all walks of life. If you are hungry you can cook a meal, go to a cafe, go to a fast food outlet or go to a good restaurant. Are the people who go to a good restaurant somehow being stupid? Are they being ripped off because they want something special?
    If you can't afford to do it, that's one thing. If you have the time and the inclination to do it yourself that's great too. But don't criticise those that are happy to pay the price for what, by all accounts, is a great package.
  • Three friends did the Pyrenees one this year and thought it was brilliant. They all have good jobs so the cost wasn't a big issue but they got what they wanted. They said the work the organisers put into it was immense and allowed them to do something without having to think of anything other than riding, eating and sleeping.
    I understand that many of us can't or don't want to pay for organised trips but it gets pretty tiresome to constantly read comments that suggest that organisers are only out to rip you off. It's a choice. If you want to organise your own trip, you can. If you want someone to take care of all the logistics for you, then you can do that too.
    People pay a premium for good service in all walks of life. If you are hungry you can cook a meal, go to a cafe, go to a fast food outlet or go to a good restaurant. Are the people who go to a good restaurant somehow being stupid? Are they being ripped off because they want something special?
    If you can't afford to do it, that's one thing. If you have the time and the inclination to do it yourself that's great too. But don't criticise those that are happy to pay the price for what, by all accounts, is a great package.

    Now you can take a breath... nobody was pointing the fingers at tour operators for being greedy here... you must have picked the wrong thread...
    left the forum March 2023
  • Now you can take a breath... nobody was pointing the fingers at tour operators for being greedy here... you must have picked the wrong thread...[/quote]

    Actually, right thread. It was in response to Rodrego's comment above where he says these trips are just ways of blowing smoke up Yuppies' asses.
  • I thought yuppies were extinct...

    Or maybe now they're all in their 50s and up for various Alpine Challenges...
    left the forum March 2023
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    :D Some of us are still in our forties (just) :D
  • 46 and retired over here.
  • 46 and retired over here.

    One of the best replies I've read for a while, retired at 46, good for you mate.

    I'm not a yuppie, nor do I have lots of money, but I agree with the argument that those who can afford x, y or z should not be criticised for spending their cash on organised events. People don't always stop to think that another person may be financially more successful than them because they've maybe (a) worked harder and (b) perhaps taken more risks.

    It seems to be whinging season generally on this forum. Or is it like this all year round?