Beginners 1st go on training rollers

Thelittlesthobo Posts: 184
edited November 2011 in Road beginners
I am a relative beginner and following a summer of riding had built up a nice enough level of fitness. Unfortunately the darker nights and family commitments have put paid to that and a couple of months off the bike have resulted in a complete loss of said fitness. Went out on sunday and did 40 miles (hilly) and blew a gaskett.

So my mate comes around with his rollers and offers to lend them to me for the winter. Seems like a good idea so i ask him to stand next to me whilst i try them out. Picture the scene, i am dressed in shirt and trousers. I put on my spds quickly and attempt to mount a bike that is now 3" higher than normal. I get on and start pedalling. 1st attempt i fly off sideways towards my pal. 2nd attmpt i fly off towards the fence. 3rd, 4th, 5th all end up similar.

Hmmm i needed to think about this. Its a bit like teaching your kid to ride a bike. The faster they pedal the more it stabilises the bike. But this goes against your natural reaction. You need to convince yourself this si the way to succeed.

After a few more attempts i manage to get a few pedal turns going without falling off. Then suddenly it clicks and i am building up speed.

Ended the evening by setting it all up properly and doing a 10mls stint at about 22mph. Not much but i was having a few little setup problems which wont need doing again.

Looks like i am going to be annoying the neighbours over the winter. Its very noisey and i am using it in my back garden so i get at least some cooling.


  • I use a flat topped toolbox one side and an old reebok step on the other side, that way i don't have a large "step down" to the floor. If you do decide to go indoors, I'd suggest at least 1 pedestal fan, failing that a mop to dry the floor afterwards!
  • If you do decide to go indoors, I'd suggest at least 1 pedestal fan, failing that a mop to dry the floor afterwards!
    I'm set up in the garage which is starting to get pretty nippy in the mornings but can still get a reet sweat on !!
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