The Tuesday Morning Thread...

thekickingmule Posts: 7,957
edited November 2011 in The Crudcatcher
Morning people!
Still not sure of this "new" layout. Hmmm

Still managing the early mornings. It's actually really useful, I can get all the shitty little things out of the way before actually having to do my 'going to work' routine.
Movember is in full action in my house. Me and my 2 housemates are in a team. My 'tache seems too be shy though, and doesn't want to grow without it's beard for company. I'll try an post a picture later.

Anywho's,my tea isn't goin to drink itself. Laters!
It takes as much courage to have tried and failed as it does to have tried and succeeded.
Join us on UK-MTB we won't bite, but bring cake!
Blender Cube AMS Pro


  • projectsome
    projectsome Posts: 4,010
    had a couple hours sleep, midnight release of MW3. tired as fuck! might grab another hour before getting ready for work. work then erm more MW3
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    Morning all

    It's Tuesday = MEH

    new layout is actually better than the old one, just needs some polishing
  • Richie63
    Richie63 Posts: 2,132
    Wide awake since I'm on night shift till next Monday. Not much happening out here foggy start to the day and stuck with Scottish TV news because BBC is tuned to Jock land :roll:

    Might spend some (hard) :lol: earned pennies on bike bits today to pass the time.

    Oh and since the Jack-up we're on is Dutch ciggies are £14.00/ 200's . Happy Days.
    I'm going to blow the bank on a new build ( within reason ) NOW DONE!! ... 010362.jpg
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,286

    Today has started with a fail, as the turbo has gone on my car.

    So officially a meh day
  • spongtastic
    spongtastic Posts: 2,651
    today is bumgay.

    I need to explain to the people who set a budget why we can't do any work on something that has a budget that won't even cover the annual statutory inspections.

    Oh and I'm still getting a big blue panel covering half the screen.
    Visit Clacton during the School holidays - it's like a never ending freak show.

    Who are you calling inbred?
  • angry_bird
    angry_bird Posts: 3,787
    Morning mongs

    I can't afford MW3, thank fuck for that because otherwise I suspect my degree may have suffered a lot over the next few months.

    Lectures today, pathology ones, at least they're easy, all I have to do is sit and look at pictures really.

  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    Today I sound like I sang along to over an hour and a half of Incubus songs last night...because that's what I did :D . They may have gone a bit ballad-y but they still rock the good stuff live. High point of course being when Brandon got his shirt off just before they played A Certain Shade of Green.
    Also bumped into a chap from Sheffield that I met the other week, and MissBint's brother. Small world eh?
    Today is pretty much grey and uninspiring, much like the weather, got to try and motivate myself to go to the gym later, and should really look at my books as I haven't done any study since Thursday...
    Right, better get on with the shoot on my to do list...
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    hello new cc, i've missed you

    morning freaks, short nightshift last night, be a bit longer tonight as the lovely aircrew need to practice night tanking.

    bye for now x
    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • Pudseyp
    Pudseyp Posts: 3,514
    Morning lords and ladies of gayness....

    Tiz another shite day for me looking for a job....lots of tea and biscuits might even go to deggy.

    And thats my rather mundane life at the moment.... :(
    Tomac Synper 140 Giant XTC Alliance 1
    If the world was flat, I wouldn't be riding !
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    Morning bumders,

    Standard Tuesday at work.. minimal work, maximum caffeine intake.

    Was going to buy MW3 on the playstation store, so that I could share it with my bro, but it's not on there yet... :( Did it with BF3, so hoping I can do the same with CoD! Although, not sure if my belly can handle getting any fatter from sitting on the sofa, when I should be out riding!

    My bro arrives back from Poland today with his o/h, so I am expecting mass amounts of duty free :)

    I hope you all have a nice unproductive day full of coffee and bacons x
  • GhallTN6
    GhallTN6 Posts: 505
    Morning Crudites after a nice break..

    Forest of Dean.. friggin rocks.. go there now!!
  • Howdy doody Maggots,

    Miserable day here today, overcast & drizzle but it's not too cold
    Working from home today, so there is some element of win...
    I'm armed with a large cup of char digging my way through all the shît I have to keep me occupied today
  • 'sup homos

    Working from home is getting boring now.

    Got my MRI tomorrow so hoping to get some good news from that.

    In the mean time, I'll continue to work from here.

    Today "working" will involve finishing off the spooks boxset.

    Laters douchebags!
  • Morning all, just been on the run all morning. Hit the gym, enjoyed the weather, made lots of appointments for things I need to do, and now just waiting for my wife to get home so I can good and relax for the rest of the day.
  • Jimbob_no5
    Jimbob_no5 Posts: 1,568
    Morning all, fecking cold up my way the day, just took a leisurely ride upto the shop to buy munch and cigs, round trip of about 5miles, having just rebuilt the front wheel yesterday i realised on my ride that the dishing is out by about half an inch, looks rather cool, now to try remember how to centralise it :s

    I believe in only 2 things in life.
    1) Drink is not my friend
    2) D-Locking cnuts ;)
  • 'lo, today has so far produced lots of coffee, a bitching about whos kids go to the better school, paying money for something I signed up for!! and a random phone call off my mother to repeat everything she said last night.

    Now to have a bit more coffee, a bacon and egg sarnie in tiger bread and then a play somewhere on me bike.
    fly like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    i think i am on the brink of a breakdown;
    -The forum has changed, i like it more than i hate it
    -Who the fark are all these people? all of a sudden there are names in the CC i dont know, new forum has brought new people,
    -I have had to go back to my old job for a few days a week as no-one is capable of doing it properly
    -missk is working away

    i cant deal with this much change in two days, my brain is going to melt!
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    Hello gypos.

    I'm enjoying the new forum layout more today than yesterday and im sure within a few days it will all feel perfectly normal.

    onlything i dont like is the pictures in peoples signatures, id rather see that disabled.

    Today has been good so far, knocked off early to come home in time for the postman as he has delivered some leather items through the door and if i wasnt here when they arrived, the dog would have got into the parcel and gone to town on it (she loves leather)(sideways)

    Im aching today after starting a new excercise regime yesterday, doing 100 reps on each of my usual excercises, very satisfying and really (and i do mean REALLY) hard work! cant wait to go back to work this aft to do some more.
  • DF33
    DF33 Posts: 732
    Afternoon qeernoses

    A day of invoicing for me, nice.

    then a trip to a friends pub later this eve. Double nice.
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Alex change your sig!

    Sitting in central London waiting for minion to turn up, had a meeting with a "Rt Hon" this morning which is always fun, I love being wrong even though its nothing to do with me or my side of the company, can't argue with these numptys.

    Having to use phone for forum watching as crap work computer uses IE7 & that creates mayhem for it.

    Night ride tonight, think I might crack out the winter helmet and strides?
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498
    VWsurfbum wrote:
    Alex change your sig!

    its my sig and i'll provide house keeping duties as and when i feel it necessary! :P
  • Ransaka
    Ransaka Posts: 474
    Yo. Long time no typie.

    Still got naff ankle problem with tendons so not done much riding. As a result now an even fatter bloater than previously.

    Like the new forum layout.

    Have destroyed bacon and some of the those spiced German biscuit things that appear at Christmas time for noms today. I like noms, hence the bloater issue.
    Off to lurk again now.
  • Gazlar
    Gazlar Posts: 8,083
    Morning goons

    The pace is hotting up here, , at present packing all my cack up into cardboard boxes as I move on the 28th dec. Sorted out my new house yesterday though, and I'm liking the name of australia road as it means I can wear my bush hat. 2 months tommorrow and I'll be starting the new job.

    Anyway, in other news, Got to spend some time on a bike for the first time since July on Friday night with bails around Cannock, and wasn't too bad until I lost both brakes, must bleed them sometime this week. I am reselving to keep the legs turning now and hit the biking hard in the new year, especially with so much trail around.

    anyway, tarrah a bit
    Mountain biking is like sex.......more fun when someone else is getting hurt
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    just had the best burger ever. homemade angus beef burger with mayo, sliced gherkins, slice of smoked cheddar, bacon and lettuce.nom nom nom :D
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    jay12 wrote:
    just had the best burger ever. homemade angus beef burger with mayo, sliced gherkins, slice of smoked cheddar, bacon and lettuce.nom nom nom :D
    Mommy loves you.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • cooldad wrote:
    jay12 wrote:
    just had the best burger ever. homemade angus beef burger with mayo, sliced gherkins, slice of smoked cheddar, bacon and lettuce.nom nom nom :D
    Mommy loves you.

    She loves a lot of other people too, if you know what I mean.
  • jay12
    jay12 Posts: 6,126
    cooldad wrote:
    jay12 wrote:
    just had the best burger ever. homemade angus beef burger with mayo, sliced gherkins, slice of smoked cheddar, bacon and lettuce.nom nom nom :D
    Mommy loves you.
    actually she's at work, so i did this all by myself :P
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    jay12 wrote:
    cooldad wrote:
    jay12 wrote:
    just had the best burger ever. homemade angus beef burger with mayo, sliced gherkins, slice of smoked cheddar, bacon and lettuce.nom nom nom :D
    Mommy loves you.
    actually she's at work, so i can count to potato :P
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    But TBH now I'm hungry.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • Ransaka
    Ransaka Posts: 474
    jay12 wrote:
    just had the best burger ever. homemade angus beef burger with mayo, sliced gherkins, slice of smoked cheddar, bacon and lettuce.nom nom nom :D

    Needs jalapenoes but otherwise, good burger.