South Wales 40+ Club

Stu Coops
Stu Coops Posts: 426
edited November 2011 in MTB general
Hi Guys

Anyone fancy getting together with people your own age group as I see lots of people riding alone on trails and open moorland i:e Brecon/Dartmoor/Snowdonia which don't get me wrong I know a lot of people prefer riding alone but I personally think a lot of us would like some company with riders of similar age and ability.

I'm not implying that these guys are Billy no mates by the way as lots of us have friends as I do that just don't enjoy riding a bike but I think that it would be a good idea for people of the same mindset to get together and choose some decent routes to ride for all abilities and regular meets which also motivates you more through the winter and lets face it the majority of riders I see when I'm out enjoy a chat so why not ride together.

Your thoughts and suggestions only from wrinkly 40+ though as you young whipper snappers with ya full face lids and body armour ain't invited :lol:
Zesty 514 Scott Scale 20 GT Expert HalfwayupMTB


  • Check out the South Wales Rides thread in the MTB Rides section... there are a load of us that meet up of all ages!
  • Check out the South Wales Rides thread in the MTB Rides section... there are a load of us that meet up of all ages!

    What sort of riding do you guys do is it primarily DH or trail/singletrack as it would be good to get out with you guys however I ain't a DH rider and would probably end up seeing you all ride away
    Zesty 514 Scott Scale 20 GT Expert HalfwayupMTB