Riding with Dogs



  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Mojo_666 wrote:
    My Dog is useless, and would probably just sit down until i picked him up and carried him.

    Have you considered the fact that your dog may be dead.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • diy wrote:
    Apologies, I'm not a dog person so can't spot a well trained one from a biter or a sniffer. I don't mind being sniffed, though I'd prefer to be left alone, the last dog that bit me casually walked round me and then nipped my ankle. It was a small bite, but with sharp teeth and saliver it bled significantly and still meant a course of antibiotic due to the depth of the bite and the risk on infection.

    The problem is some dog owners can trust their dog not to bite, while others have no idea if they will or wont. Some dogs think bikes are to be hunted or herded.

    My mother was attacked by wild dogs at 8 years old in the phillipines, and put in the hospital for 3 weeks, and even she is not as much a pussy as you.

    Get a grip man, their dogs, not velociraptors or something

    Actually most dogs are a fair bit more dangerous than velociraptors ever were, why you may ask, well they were 2 foot tall small teethed scavangers in the real world, and Dogs history really is as pack hunting animals with teth designed to kill by ripping.

    Just a point of fact for you.
  • Mojo_666
    Mojo_666 Posts: 860
    cooldad wrote:
    Mojo_666 wrote:
    My Dog is useless, and would probably just sit down until i picked him up and carried him.

    Have you considered the fact that your dog may be dead.

    For 23 hours day he actually is for all intents and purposes.
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    That's why cats are a better choice. They play dead all day anyway, and when they're awake they eat, go crap in someone else's garden, or clean themselves, and absolutely would never accompany you on a walk/ride. They know that's silly.
  • Kaise wrote:
    Kiwi John wrote:
    I could start a rant about why horse owners are not obliged to collect their animals' droppings,

    horse sh*t = mushed up grass - non toxic
    dog sh*t = mushed up, decaying meat and other dog's sh*t = toxic

    I didn't write that, was replying to the div that did.
    It's better to burn out than to fade away!!
  • Humourless bird.
  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473

    My mother was attacked by wild dogs at 8 years old in the phillipines, and put in the hospital for 3 weeks, and even she is not as much a pussy as you.

    Get a grip man, their dogs, not velociraptors or something

    Do not confuse a dislike of dogs with a fear of them. I don't fear them and I don't dislike them. But I don't want to be bitten, licked, drooled, tripped up or barked at by one either.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    i love owning dogs, they are ace little characters. i would never ride my bike anywhere near them though. i dont know how you can control a bike and a dog at the same time.

    i would also say that it is unreasonable of dog owners to expect other people to be "ok" with their dogs being a nuisance. I tend to think that if people dont have dogs, they dont like them and as such i keep my hounds away from other people who arent walking a dog. If i turn out to be wrong, its a pleasant suprise when someone asks to say hello to my hounds, if i am correct, there is never any harm done.

    both of my dogs are very disciplined and well behaved but i have to be especially careful with my rottweiler as she tends to be a bit mouthy, she never bites but she will lick your hands and during this process, there is every chance your hands will come into contact with her teeth, i could well imagine this being reported as being bitten when in actuall fact, she is being inquisitive. As such, i tend to make sure she is on a lead when around non dog people and always when around the most unpredictable animal of all: other peoples children.

    i reckon fair play to the OP, you dont want to be around dogs when out on your bike and i dont think it is too much to expect a mtb trail to be free from the unpredictable little beggars! i feel similarly about other people's children, i dont have any so i dont want to be around anyone elses llittle cunts either!
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Dogs are like children. Your own are awesome, other peoples are horrible.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • *AL*
    *AL* Posts: 1,185
    cooldad wrote:
    Dogs are like children. Your own are awesome, other peoples are horrible.

  • I take my dog on the Forestry roads,but obviously look out for other users etc.Something to be aware of is that Dogs will run till they drop so go easy on them I take mine out every other day so she rests, with the bike and take it easy on the downhills as my Lab has passed me at 20mph."Molly in the Pic"

  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    Yep - I wouldn't take my kids on a trail for the same reason. My oldest is probably just about good enough to do telegraph and YP, he'd probably struggle a bit with the first parts of BKB, but I know that we'd be a pain in the A for other users and it would only take a snotty comment from someone to totally devastate him. I think he'd be fine on other stuff, but I'd want to make sure the trials were wide enough for us not to get in people's way.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    diy wrote:
    Yep - I wouldn't take my kids on a trail for the same reason. My oldest is probably just about good enough to do telegraph and YP, he'd probably struggle a bit with the first parts of BKB, but I know that we'd be a pain in the A for other users and it would only take a snotty comment from someone to totally devastate him. I think he'd be fine on other stuff, but I'd want to make sure the trials were wide enough for us not to get in people's way.
    Can only speak for the people I ride with, but I think you are wrong (although I suppose there are some d1cks around).
    We learned to shut up after a heroic ride down BKB. A young lady came down just after us on a little wheel fold up bike, pretty quickly and railing the berms. There's space for everyone.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    a) This \/
    I tend to think that if people dont have dogs, they dont like them and as such i keep my hounds away from other people who arent walking a dog.
    Though I havent abided by that previously, a well trained dog shouldn't interact with other people or riders - Mine was epic in this respect but having read the responses of others I can see why people would still dislike his prescence.

    b) What's BKB?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    b) What's BKB?
    Big Knockered..., sorry, Barry Knows Best. A trail in Surrey Hills.
  • diy wrote:
    Yep - I wouldn't take my kids on a trail for the same reason. My oldest is probably just about good enough to do telegraph and YP, he'd probably struggle a bit with the first parts of BKB, but I know that we'd be a pain in the A for other users and it would only take a snotty comment from someone to totally devastate him. I think he'd be fine on other stuff, but I'd want to make sure the trials were wide enough for us not to get in people's way.

    Sound like you and him are a little too precious!
    Orange Alpine 160
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  • diy
    diy Posts: 6,473
    No I just bring my kids up to respect adults. As such I try not to expose them to situations where adults do not deserve their respect.
  • deadkenny wrote:
    Dogs, only lead to trouble


    genius... well, more sort of anti-genius

    I'd never take our hound near a trail centre. Too much scope for becoming the centre of an internet incident.
  • Had an argument with a dog once. Saw the dog come out (not on lead) saw me made a suicide run to my front wheel, as it was I locked up my back wheel skidded for 12 feet, had no chance of stopping went into it, came off, done my left arm in. Funny thing was the owners where Medical Doctors. The dog did not come near me after that.