Sportive with prizes?

chipperleenie Posts: 217
Just spotted tis online from a link on the cyclosport web page:

Says that it is not a race and then lists some categoreis for prizes?

Still, for £29 you would expect to get something more than your bottle filled and a few gels/cakes/bananas!

With food at feedstations costing you no more than £3 a rider how can they justify this price?


  • Just spotted tis online from a link on the cyclosport web page:

    Says that it is not a race and then lists some categoreis for prizes?

    Still, for £29 you would expect to get something more than your bottle filled and a few gels/cakes/bananas!

    With food at feedstations costing you no more than £3 a rider how can they justify this price?

    I think you'll find that the entry page is the same template for all thier events, triathlons, road races etc therefore it appears on the sportive page where they have stated it's not a race. Whats the problem?

    The cost of Sportives has been debated to death. If you think it's too expensive then don't pay it - simple.

    If everyone thinks it's too expensive then these events will disappear.

    Please don't now tell me that your club runs something for a tenner as that is done with volunteers and club members helping out which is completely different to a proffessional company trying to run these events at a profit which much to some peoples disgust they are entitled to do.
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    Not that I am justifying the price charged, but it costs more than £3 per rider to stage a sportive. I organised our club one, and even with club helpers it was still more than £3 per rider.

    You have as a bare minimum, food, insurance, signage, cost of timing chips, hall hire, basic admin costs etc.

    If you then have paid marshalls, and perhaps expenses being paid for travelling to different parts of the course, the costs will soon mount up.

    As for prizes, that makes it a race, and the poilce ought to be informed accordingly.
  • SBezza wrote:

    As for prizes, that makes it a race, and the poilce ought to be informed accordingly.

    Yep, call the cops :wink:

    If you think these events are too expensive or run solely to line the pockets of companies who might wish to make a profit [shock, horror] then don’t do them and as brakeless said if enough of us come around to your way of thinking then no doubt they’ll fade away.

    Is £29 to enter an event really such a stretch for the average cyclist who will merrily spend £200 on a pair of bib shorts?
  • SBezza
    SBezza Posts: 2,173
    SBezza wrote:

    As for prizes, that makes it a race, and the poilce ought to be informed accordingly.

    Yep, call the cops :wink:

    Well not the general public, but perhaps the organisors ought to speak with the police, then again they may well have done. TBH who knows and who cares :wink:
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377
    I did a word search on the terms and conditions for this event and there is nothing which states that you must not race!
  • nferrar
    nferrar Posts: 2,511
    I don't particularly mind paying £30 for a sportive, it's just the generic banana/fig roll/cheap fairy cakes + water/energy drink options that seem the norm over here that irritate me when you compare them to what a lot of the continental sportive offer (especially as many as cheaper entries to). Lets have some home-baked stuff and savoury options :p
  • jibberjim
    jibberjim Posts: 2,810
    Stedman wrote:
    I did a word search on the terms and conditions for this event and there is nothing which states that you must not race!

    Are there other things which it would be a criminal offence to do listed? Nothing which states that you must not murder for example?

    It's not a race, because it's illegal for you to race it.
    Jibbering Sports Stuff: