money in manchester

Cleat Eastwood
Posts: 7,508
bonjour chaps. i would have posted this earlier but you know better late than etc. Theres a film at the manc velodrome with chris hoy and extras are needed, payment 50 squid, its first come first served and deadline is tonight. here was the info I got
"NCC are hosting a large film project featuring action with Chris Hoy and other members of Team GB on Wednesday 9th November from 5:00pm to 9:00pm here at the National Cycling Centre. The film company has requested we inform our customers who may attend as extras who will be audience spectators. The film company will be paying Ł50.00 cash on the night to anyone who takes part. If you want to bring family members i.e. partner and two kids – it could give you Ł200 for about 4 hours work!
If you are interested in being part of the crowd please Contact Nikki Topping on 07802 684256, or e mail by Monday evening 7th November with name and contact details and number of people you want to bring."
"NCC are hosting a large film project featuring action with Chris Hoy and other members of Team GB on Wednesday 9th November from 5:00pm to 9:00pm here at the National Cycling Centre. The film company has requested we inform our customers who may attend as extras who will be audience spectators. The film company will be paying Ł50.00 cash on the night to anyone who takes part. If you want to bring family members i.e. partner and two kids – it could give you Ł200 for about 4 hours work!
If you are interested in being part of the crowd please Contact Nikki Topping on 07802 684256, or e mail by Monday evening 7th November with name and contact details and number of people you want to bring."
The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
arsebiscuits - was at work next door until half 4.0