Laser eye surgery



  • wiffachip
    wiffachip Posts: 861
    if your eyes aren't suitable for laser surgery, you can have the same procedure that they use to cure cataracts, ie your lenses are sucked out and replaced with plastic ones, though I believe it's very expensive

    I was 'lucky' - I developed cataracts when I was 45, so got them done on the NHS. 15 min per eye, life changing

    Just another option to consider
  • Fingerbobs wrote:
    Bear in mind all those who have had bad results from laser eye surgery can no longer read these posts nor see the keyboard to tell you their tales of woe.
  • Tom Butcher
    Tom Butcher Posts: 3,830
    Think it was tongue in cheek.

    it's a hard life if you don't weaken.
  • Bad astigmatism is one of the main deal breakers - and unfortunately often also means you cant safely wear contact lenses on a bike. angle of the head, and wind often cause the weighted lenses to rotate causing vision to be even worse.

    (It also makes windsurfing a nightmare :roll: )