Getting the best out or turbo session

mr_poll Posts: 1,547
edited October 2011 in Road beginners
Just got my first turbo trainer, have had a search around but all i can find are "What turbo threads".

I am looking to get the most from training sessions over the winter just to keep a decent base into spring.

I have a read a few training sessions and am looking at getting the well reviewed Sufferfest vids. Lots of talk about 7/10, 9/10 intensity. I only have a basic computer.

Can anyone recommend a basic training site - and do i need a HR monitor, Cadence monitor or can suffice with a mental this is 7/10 effort etc.


  • Mr Dog
    Mr Dog Posts: 643
    mr poll The sufferfest sessions are based on perceived effort. Link how hard you are working to the gear you are using, for example 7/10 = 52/17, or wahtever you fell to be 7/10. A cadence sensor adds an extra level, as on screen instructions tell you how fast to pedal. Above all go the distance. Wear headphones and get into the mindset. Best of luck.
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