bad boy

Teece Posts: 138
edited October 2011 in The bottom bracket
gaddarn it, i smoked last night, after giving up 3 months ago. somebody tell me off please


  • DrKJM
    DrKJM Posts: 271
    No chance. You look bigger than me.
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Gave up 9 years ago - don't miss em at all now but did for the first few months and its really hard not to give in - just put it down to experience and don't do it again :D There that was easy.
  • Teece
    Teece Posts: 138
    ha. i won't be bigger if i get cancer
  • Teece
    Teece Posts: 138
    pdstsp wrote:
    Gave up 9 years ago - don't miss em at all now but did for the first few months and its really hard not to give in - just put it down to experience and don't do it again :D There that was easy.

    thanks, but stop being nice!
  • pdstsp
    pdstsp Posts: 1,264
    Get out on the bike then and think how much easier its getting without the yocking up phlegm every few minutes you weak willed specimen.
  • I gave up back in jan 05. The temptation is hard especially in the pub! I succumb to the odd drag now and then when bladdered and really regret it the next day! Thing to remember is slip ups happen, we fuck up yadda yadda. Important thing is the next few days and weeks in trying to keep away from them.

    Have you tried e-cigs? They are amazing! A lot of the guys i play poker with all use em. Most of em are quitting or have quit and bring them along to the pub, rather than having a sneaky fag. They are pretty cheap and last ages. Theres no smoke and no smell, just a small amount of nicotine. They drag like a ciggy and the end lights up too. (the ends are blue now so you dont get chucked out of clubs). You exhale water vapour and can even get nicotine free refils. Definately worth a look!

    good luck!
  • Teece
    Teece Posts: 138
    pdstsp wrote:
    Get out on the bike then and think how much easier its getting without the yocking up phlegm every few minutes you weak willed specimen.


    went out on the mtb earlier. it was a horrible ride!
  • Teece
    Teece Posts: 138
    I gave up back in jan 05. The temptation is hard especially in the pub! I succumb to the odd drag now and then when bladdered and really regret it the next day! Thing to remember is slip ups happen, we fark up yadda yadda. Important thing is the next few days and weeks in trying to keep away from them.

    Have you tried e-cigs? They are amazing! A lot of the guys i play poker with all use em. Most of em are quitting or have quit and bring them along to the pub, rather than having a sneaky fag. They are pretty cheap and last ages. Theres no smoke and no smell, just a small amount of nicotine. They drag like a ciggy and the end lights up too. (the ends are blue now so you dont get chucked out of clubs). You exhale water vapour and can even get nicotine free refils. definitely worth a look!

    good luck!

    thanks dude, but i was only ever a weekend smoker anyway. i don't get cravings, i just love a fag with a beer!
    won't be doing it again.

    i need more smoke hate in this thread!
  • Jesus social smokers are the worst! you big lame Jesse :P

    ^^ that better?
  • giant_man
    giant_man Posts: 6,878
    Since you did ask for it

    "Absolutely disgusting! Give it up now you dirty fecker"

  • matt581
    matt581 Posts: 219
    Don't smoke ya dick! Only peado's smoke!

    For ref i do occasionly have a crafty smoke when out having a few beers
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    If it was just tobacco, bad lad............. if it wasn't :D
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • With a fag in your mouth you'll look an ever bigger tit than you do now.
  • cwm
    cwm Posts: 177
    dick head :?

    10 months for me tomorrow and still struggling,but its better than smoking
    now sharing my plods on
  • holmeboy
    holmeboy Posts: 674
    Smoking destroy's the Lung's. Cyclist need the most effiecient Lung's they can have. Don't think smoking's advisable!
  • Teece wrote:
    gaddarn it, i smoked last night, after giving up 3 months ago. somebody tell me off please

    In a hundred years time nobody will give a damn my owd, never smoked never will (barring my cremation) hardly a crime is it? enjoy life you might get run over before you get cancer.
    Tail end Charlie

    The above post may contain traces of sarcasm or/and bullsh*t.
  • Smokin Joe
    Smokin Joe Posts: 2,706
    Think I'll nip out for a fag.