Fast wheels

enewmen Posts: 13
edited October 2011 in Road beginners
Hi all.

Just asking what I should look for when I'm picking fast wheels?
I read a lot online about how to ride fast - talked about weight, riding position, fitness, training, etc which is all important.
But what should I look for if I want fast wheels?

For example, if I wanted a 700c bike and also wanted it fast, just find wheels with skinny 1" - 23mm width?
How do I check the aerodynamic efficiency, rolling resistance, and weight before I buy?
Anything else I should check for?
Or just asking this shows I'm not skilled enough to notice a difference on long trips anyway?



  • racingcondor
    racingcondor Posts: 1,434
    Equipment will make a very small difference unless the rider is good.

    As a starting point ride whatever is on your bike but put some good tyres on (Conti GP4000S are highly rated here as you can tell from the many threads mentioning them).

    Don't worry about aerodynamic efficiency until you're riding 6000+ miles a year and can ride 20+ miles in an hour. The gain from a £150 pair of wheels that are well maintained and a £1500 pair of wheels is probably not more than 1mph, a lot less than you'll gain by riding 200 miles a week for 6 months!
  • enewmen
    enewmen Posts: 13
    So it seems like I won't notice any difference unless I can maintain 20+mph.
    Even at that speed I can only see about 1 mph difference IF I had really good bike parts.
    I read someplace else wind only becomes a factor at 14+ mph.
    Ok I'll check my speed, but I don't think I'm quite in the 20+ league yet anyway.....
    thanks for the post!
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    When you talk about skinny wheels you're getting confused. Most race wheels are a standard width and then its the tyres you put on that make it skinny.

    There arent really many bad bikes out there to buy now. If it fits you then thats half the battle.

    Weight matters mostly uphill and starting off - once a bike is rolling - then its not so important.

    Rolling resistance and aerodynamics are more marketing BS than real effects.
    YOU make up the vast bulk of the aerodynamic coefficient of a bike and rider. The bike is small by comparison.

    As to rolling resistance - get some decent 23mm tyres and a track pump. Sorted.
  • racingcondor
    racingcondor Posts: 1,434
    I wouldn't say you won't notice the difference. One of the nice things about stiff, light wheels is how great they feel to ride.

    Your question was about 'fast' wheels though. The realistic answer to that is 'there are no fast bikes, just fast riders'.