upper back pain

evsy Posts: 111
edited October 2011 in Road beginners
hiya every1.

ive been riding for nearly a year now but i have developed a problem with my upper bike. basically over the last few weeks i have found my upper back going in to spasm or something. i quite often find that i cant get a deep breath because of it.

i have seen dr and physio and both have said its muscle spasms in my back which are preventing the lungs to expand fully.

the physio said there is no doubt its from the position i have on the bike.
so i went to my lbs (where i got my bike from) and they checked my set up and position and insist that its absolutely fine.

so what can be causing it??
i stretch before and after every ride but im still having the same issue!

thanks for any advice




  • mrwibble
    mrwibble Posts: 980
    read this article very carefully and especially pay attention to the infraspinatus stretch

    http://www.pressurepointer.com/Pressure ... Manual.pdf

    hope this helps
  • mrwibble wrote:
    read this article very carefully and especially pay attention to the infraspinatus stretch

    http://www.pressurepointer.com/Pressure ... Manual.pdf

    hope this helps

    Nice link.

    Try out another bike fit centre if you can. The original LBS may not want to admit they are wrong (human nature).

    Alternatively, try the following link - http://www.competitivecyclist.com/za/CC ... ATOR_INTRO and see how close you are to their fits.

    You could also try a shorter stem or flip the stem you have upwards. Easy to try.
  • mrwibble
    mrwibble Posts: 980
    TRIGGER POINTS ARE BASTARDS! Deep tissue massage is the only way with targeted stretching to get rid....

    I am thinking your reach and the frame size (headset height) is at fault and perhaps a setback seatpost...
  • mrwibble wrote:
    TRIGGER POINTS ARE BASTARDS! Deep tissue massage is the only way with targeted stretching to get rid....

    I am thinking your reach and the frame size (headset height) is at fault and perhaps a setback seatpost...

    Agreed. Physio should be able to give decent treatment (or refer you to a colleague who can). They could also try ultrasound.
  • mrwibble
    mrwibble Posts: 980
    I have a couple of trigger points in my infraspinatus and scalenes which are causing me pain down into my elbow. Cannot get rid, very deep and pissing me off.
  • If you've got got some form of soft tissue issue then bike fit won't sort the problem (even though it may have caused the problem in the first place). You'll need to get the soft tissue problem sorted. Suprised the physio hasn't identified the damaged tissues and put you through a course of treatments. Could well be infraspinatus or any of the rotator cuff muscles, but only a proper assessment will be able to ID this. Contact the Sports Therapy Organisation for a qualified Sports Therapist in your area: http://www.uksportstherapy.org.uk/
  • mrwibble
    mrwibble Posts: 980
    I gym and cycle. The worst thing is I sit at a desk all day. One is building his shoulders and upper back at the moment to get rid of my domed back.
  • mrwibble
    mrwibble Posts: 980
    TOP TIP: Buy a three pack of tennis balls and with two of them placed in a sock, roll up and down your spine and feel them knots. With the single ball left, work into those sore areas around your shoulder blades etc. Try and work the balls with lots of pressure one way only. Not quite deep tissue at a sports physio but for £3 for some balls, its pretty good especially when you roll up and down your spine....
  • evsy
    evsy Posts: 111
    mrwibble wrote:
    read this article very carefully and especially pay attention to the infraspinatus stretch

    http://www.pressurepointer.com/Pressure ... Manual.pdf

    hope this helps

    thanks for the link mrwibble, and all the other replies.
    im back at physio next week although she didnt suggest anything like that article.
    think i will mention it to her because it does sound like that could be it.

    would a physio be the best person to sort the issue? (im not entirely confident in her tbh)

    thanks again for your help


  • cyberknight
    cyberknight Posts: 1,238
    This is interesting..
    http://www.roadcycling.com/cgi-bin/artm ... cgi/6/1026

    Upshot .. although the LBS says your fit is right everyone is different and you might have to modify your position , even a few mm can make all the difference.
    FCN 3/5/9
  • Would a physio be the best person to sort the issue?

    Depends of whether the physio has done any post-qualification study with regards to soft tissue work. My own (somewhat biased) recommendation woud be to contact www.uksportstherapy.org.uk and ask them to recommend a sports therapist/sports massage practitioner in your area with experience of working with cyclists.