un-armed forces - what a numpty



  • dodgerdog
    dodgerdog Posts: 292
    dmclite wrote:
    Mad Roadie wrote:
    steel it? oops, thats another thread topic

    Steady on matey, you can't do a tangent on this 'til its done :wink:

    Not the Carbon vs Steel vs Bamboo vs Ti debate again or were you trolling for the grammar police?
    Allez Triple (hairy with mudguards) - FCN 4
    Ribble Gran Fondo
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    AArrgh, maybe its Campagnolo vs Shimano................dunno. :D
  • Richard_D
    Richard_D Posts: 320
    Can I bring up hitler to kill off this thread
  • cornerblock
    cornerblock Posts: 3,228
    Richard_D wrote:
    Can I bring up hitler to kill off this thread

    We can't let it end on Hitler, all together now....

  • dmclite wrote:
    Speaking as an ex-para myself, no bloke I ever knew or know would intentionally kill any unarmed civilian, adult or child.

    And respect to you for saying that. All too often the image of soldiers is as was posted previously "Oh you've never been out with 2 Para if you want to see a killing machine". It' s nice to know decency can still be maintained under what must be testing circumstances.,,,by the way you need to get the SAS onto bikeradar, someones nicked your avatar. :)
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Richard_D wrote:
    Can I bring up hitler to kill off this thread

    ha ha it was killed off by Nigel.Mccarthy's epic face palm of a reply.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    Just to add to the mix - ALL ranks in the Navy start off at HMS Raleigh (nr Plymouth) to complete basic drill, basic seamanship and boat handling skills. ALL are required to complete a minimal level of small arms training (shooting guns) before they are able to go on to trade training (Radar Ops, Weapons Systems, Aircraft Handling Medics etc.) so he would ALREADY have completed tasks that were "against his moral code" well before the later training came up!
  • dmclite wrote:
    Speaking as an ex-para myself, no bloke I ever knew or know would intentionally kill any unarmed civilian, adult or child.

    And respect to you for saying that. All too often the image of soldiers is as was posted previously "Oh you've never been out with 2 Para if you want to see a killing machine". It' s nice to know decency can still be maintained under what must be testing circumstances.,,,by the way you need to get the SAS onto bikeradar, someones nicked your avatar. :)

    Hi again Cleat I take it you could not be bothered to read this bit

    " If the child was armed & shooting at me or my mates, I would have no problem unleashing a few rounds into them.
    If however the child was unarmed then any order to open fire would constitute an unlawful order & a war crime. "

    2para is a very effective killing machine for your information not that I actually stated that of course.

    Any other things you wish to invent in order to boost your internet profile?
  • Chrissz wrote:

    Chuck some of that popcorn over here please.
    I shall set up a basha in order to watch this thread & could do with something to munch on. Biscuits AB are not really very nice :wink:
    EKIMIKE Posts: 2,232
    Any other things you wish to invent in order to boost your internet profile?

    Arggh christ! what is it with the ego's today?!?!

    He's not trying to 'boost [his] internet profile'. He just has an opinion that differs to yours.

    Why do people have to be so rude on this forum?
  • I shall set up a basha

    Ha ha this says it all (yes i am aware its tongue in cheek). Are you by any chance a tri-athlete?

    Lets try and increase your intelligence a wee bit. So lay of the testosterone, now; Can you summarize what i meant by using the phrase 'orwellian mind games' in relation to death. See if you can fashion some kind of connection then let me know what your thoughts are, for the unity of those concepts, albeit within a closed linguistic system form the base of my position in this discussion.

    Oh and don't forget in a closed system meanings aren't necessarily fixed so any opinion you have is valid, so don't feel belittled or patronised if you have difficulty with conceptual thinking.

    If you want me i'll be in corner eating raw meet and watching First Blood, on VHS.
    The dissenter is every human being at those moments of his life when he resigns
    momentarily from the herd and thinks for himself.
  • MattC59
    MattC59 Posts: 5,408
    EKIMIKE wrote:
    Any other things you wish to invent in order to boost your internet profile?

    Arggh christ! what is it with the ego's today?!?!

    He's not trying to 'boost [his] internet profile'. He just has an opinion that differs to yours.

    Why do people have to be so rude on this forum?

    I was thinking exactly this the other day. There are a lot of new names on here who are either intent on trolling, or arre just tw*ts without the common sense of a rock !
    Science adjusts it’s beliefs based on what’s observed.
    Faith is the denial of observation so that Belief can be preserved
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    Chrissz wrote:

    Chuck some of that popcorn over here please.
    I shall set up a basha in order to watch this thread & could do with something to munch on. Biscuits AB are not really very nice :wink:

    A bivi for me please :) Biscuits AB are fantastic crushed and added to stew, porridge or whatever :)
  • Biscuits AB with a tin-full of that pink stuff (supposed to be some sort of potted meat) spread over em. Always the first thing to be eaten in my rat pack :P

    As for the objector bloke; he is a liability to HM Forces and more importantly to the guys around him who might have to rely on him when the sh1t hits the fan.

    It's called life in a blue suit.
    if you can't take a joke, you shouldn't have joined.

    etc, etc.......

    Looks like they wanted to make an example of him to dissuade any other like minded muppets who didn't fancy doing the hard stuff.
  • bagpusscp
    bagpusscp Posts: 2,907
    Chrissz wrote:
    Chrissz wrote:

    Chuck some of that popcorn over here please.
    I shall set up a basha in order to watch this thread & could do with something to munch on. Biscuits AB are not really very nice :wink:

    A bivi for me please :) Biscuits AB are fantastic crushed and added to stew, porridge or whatever :)

    More here.
  • oh dear, this is exactly the type of regimented thinking I was talking about.

    I'll put it in simple language for you "you don't have to do what somebody tells you to do, even if you have signed a contract of employment or are working under an unwritten social convention. You are free to refuse"

    Not trolling - An innocent palestinian child was shot in the chest in Israel.

    Now i understand that 2 different discussions are occurring, one about the lad being a numpty and the other about morality and violence so my comments are based on contributing to the latter.

    I don't believe posters on here would be able to pull the trigger on anyone let alone a child, it's brutish internet machismo at its worst. Man is simply not a killing machine.

    There was a documentary about the psychology of the military on recently and a serving officer said that psychologically taking a life has profound consequences post-military as taking a life is 'not natural', leading to breakdowns, family violence and severe alcohol and drug abuse.

    The effects were such that a new code of practice was introduced whereby soldiers are now told they are acting in defence of certain values, rather than defeating an enemies value system as our, that is our basic human concept of the value of life, can cope with defending rather than destroying.

    Now if that concept of killing not being natural has entered into the modus operandi of military training it strikes me boasts about killing those attacking family/ friends should taken with a mahooosive pinch of salt.

    It's simply Orwellian mind games as death is death no matter how it arrives; a truth that has been shouted from the rooftops by survivors of the great wars - war benefits the few and belittles the humanity of the many, any resistance to violence and training for violence is to be encouraged IMO.

    I appreciate there are people on here who are or have been serving members of the armed forces and as limiting as it seems I think only they have a right to talk about the dual concepts of military expectation+personal morality as it is they who have seen their pre-conceptions about a regimented life tested in a way that mortals of civvy street will never experience. That is all.

    " Not trolling - An innocent palestinian child was shot in the chest in Israel. "

    I wonder how many kids were killed in Dresden, Stalingrad & the London Blitz.
    ^welcome to war.

    " I don't believe posters on here would be able to pull the trigger on anyone let alone a child, it's brutish internet machismo at its worst. Man is simply not a killing machine "

    Been on a night out with 2 para have we?

    Internet machismo I think it is not!

    Orwellian mind games now then the mind starts to boggle @ this fruit of information!
    In a wonderful world ( Alice in wonderland perhaps ) no bad people would exist.
    Can you imagine how happy people would be.
    Sadly life is not really like this despite your best wishes.
    You must be really trolling to come up with this sh1t :lol: . I'll put it in simple language for you "you don't have to do what somebody tells you to do, even if you have signed a contract of employment or are working under an unwritten social convention. You are free to refuse"

    Does it really apply in real life to the military then?

    Fair does they can't force you to fight ( you would probably be a liability under those circumstances ) but, they can do you for failure to carry out a lawful order.

    Welcome to Colchester Military corrective Training Centre.

    He signed on the dotted line, underwent basic training, could have got out at anytime but chose to continue.

    Hmmm why is my bullshit radar going off on one?

    Ps if the military are so keen to not kill people then, why teach recruits how to kill?

    I agree hearts & minds are instilled into every recruit but, your internet ramblings signify that you do not really have a scooby doo about what you are going on about or you are a troll of the first order :wink:
  • SLX01
    SLX01 Posts: 338
    Chrissz wrote:
    Just to add to the mix - ALL ranks in the Navy start off at HMS Raleigh (nr Plymouth) to complete basic drill, basic seamanship and boat handling skills. ALL are required to complete a minimal level of small arms training (shooting guns) before they are able to go on to trade training (Radar Ops, Weapons Systems, Aircraft Handling Medics etc.) so he would ALREADY have completed tasks that were "against his moral code" well before the later training came up!

    If you took the time to read the thread before posting you may have understood he has no objection to carrying a gun and had served as a member of the armed forces for 6 years his objection was going to Afghanistan because of inormation that had been revealed by wikileaks made him reluctant to go. The refusal to undertake training was because he had been refused permission to be an objector because the Navt felt it was for political reasoning rather than objecting to war in general.
  • Chrissz
    Chrissz Posts: 727
    So when he joined the possibility of having to go there never occurred to him? Or is he blaming it all on wikileaks? Good excuse I guess - perhaps something he read in the Mail helped put him off too?
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,667
    I liked the old garibaldi type fruit biscuits you used to get in rat-packs, they were really crumbly. Never liked cheese posessed though.
  • matt581
    matt581 Posts: 219
    Chrissz wrote:
    So when he joined the possibility of having to go there never occurred to him? Or is he blaming it all on wikileaks? Good excuse I guess - perhaps something he read in the Mail helped put him off too?
