Raising money for Diabetes UK by doing something stupid.

AndyBeast Posts: 179
edited July 2012 in The bottom bracket
Afternoon all,

Wasn't sure exactly where to put this so I'm shoving it in here (oh er Mrs.!!) and have already put it in the Crudcatcher.

I'm trying to raise a shootload of money for Diabetes UK by taking part in next years Ironman UK, nothing too bad apart from the fact I'm badly of shape so it's a Couch Potato to Ironman challenge.

Any how my blog tracking my progress is here http://bigandyscouchpotatotoironmanjourney.com/

and my donation page is here http://www.diabeteschallenge.org.uk/cha ... otoironman

That's it, if you wanna take a look please do and if you'd like to donate that would be great.
