Shiny Bikes

lugsey2k5 Posts: 960
edited July 2012 in MTB buying advice

Any one used Shiny Bikes before? There prices seem quite cheap.



  • Yeah, a little slow in delivery but apart from that, all good.
  • NP28
    NP28 Posts: 5
    Just wanted to warn everyone about Shiny Bikes.

    I bought a pair of Gatorskin tyres from them in April and one developed a large split in the sidewall after four rides. It was big enough for a large portion of the inner tube to start spilling out of the tyre.

    So I sent the tyre back and I was told that this was not eligible for a refund/replacement as it was cut by an object whilst cycling and was part of normal wear and tear.

    I disputed this – as the gash was in such a position that it was impossible for me to ride at such an angle that would allow a sharp object to go through the tyre in that position. In addition, for an object to be sharp enough to have caused a gash that large it would certainly have punctured the inner tube within the tyre, which had not happened.

    As we could not agree they said they would send the tyre back to their supplier for a second opinion and get back to me. They never did. During the next month I called them 8 times and the line was engaged or the phone was not picked up. I also e-mailed them 3 times. No reply.

    I eventually contacted their supplier myself and they told me they had NOT received a tyre from Shiny Bikes. So basically for over a month I have had no idea who has the faulty tyre and Shiny Bikes are deliberately ignoring me.

    In the end I was able to get my money back from my credit card company. But if anyone is thinking of using, be careful, if anything goes wrong they may try and scam you and ignore you too.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    So you joined the forum just to make multiple posts about a bike shop.

    Personally I take no notice of the rantings of bitter people.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,981
    NP28 wrote:
    In addition, for an object to be sharp enough to have caused a gash that large it would certainly have punctured the inner tube within the tyre, which had not happened.

    Putting the rest of your little hissy fit aside for 2 seconds, the bit above is just pure rubbish. I've sliced a tyre before without doing any damage at all to the tube.

    To clarify, you bought some tyres, rode on them for a while, got a cut in one, then tried to get your money back on it.

    Then you come on here getting all pissy about it because they wont cave in.

    You sir, are a tool of the highest order.
  • Drzee
    Drzee Posts: 11
    Personally I take no notice of the rantings of bitter people.

    Ha ha, the irony.

    To NP28, I think you possibly need to be a bit more realistic with your expectations, particularly given you had ridden the tyre 4 times and could have damaged the tyre accidentaly?

    Also, worth thinking about what you want to say before posting here as the 'smart alecs' love to jump in and tell you what a tool you are rather than offer anything constructive!
  • cat_with_no_tail
    cat_with_no_tail Posts: 12,981
    Drzee wrote:
    Personally I take no notice of the rantings of bitter people.

    Ha ha, the irony.

    To NP28, I think you possibly need to be a bit more realistic with your expectations, particularly given you had ridden the tyre 4 times and could have damaged the tyre accidentaly?

    Also, worth thinking about what you want to say before posting here as the 'smart alecs' love to jump in and tell you what a tool you are rather than offer anything constructive!


    There is nothing constructive to add. He wasn't asking for advice, he was having a (pointless and uncalled for) rant about a bike shop that refused to comply with his unreasonable demands for a refund.

    If he'd asked for advice, my advice would be to stop being unreasonable, and simply pay another £20 for a new tyre.

    Thanks for your valued input though.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    Plus he posted the same thing on four different topics and left. I'm willing to hazard a guess he did the same thing on other forums as well.
    A walker of the highest order.
    I don't do smileys.

    There is no secret ingredient - Kung Fu Panda

    London Calling on Facebook

  • NP28
    NP28 Posts: 5
    Sorry if I've annoyed anyone.

    I just wanted to answer anyone who had started a thread about the company in question.

    By the way, my dealings with the company were perfectly amicable (no hissy fits, by either party), my problem was that they suddenly couldn't be contacted for 1 and a half months and didn't do what they promised they were going to.

    Maybe you accept that kind of thing from businesses but for those that don't I thought the information would be helpful.