spot the difference - video hosts

Posts: 4,352
As mentioned earlier, I thought I'd post up the same video clip to try and compare three popular host sites;
I actually thought there would be a greater difference but it's hard to spot one.
edit -- should also mention that I've started a blog entry on this and linked it to this thread. You can see the videos embedded on the same page but I don't think pinkbike is 720p and vimeo only lets you see 720p on it's own webpage. So it doesn't make for a fair comparison there.
I actually thought there would be a greater difference but it's hard to spot one.
edit -- should also mention that I've started a blog entry on this and linked it to this thread. You can see the videos embedded on the same page but I don't think pinkbike is 720p and vimeo only lets you see 720p on it's own webpage. So it doesn't make for a fair comparison there.
Vimeo looks sharper and a bit better at full screen on mine. It also streams faster.. always waiting for youtube to load!
Could you put it on MPORA also?
Nice riding btw... where was it?0 -
You can click the HD logo on Vimeo to turn off the HD feed so it should match Pinkbike's default (do they have HD?) and YouTube's 360p.
Problem is if the upload was in 720p then each of the services will do various bits of processing to cram it into 360p. Though I think most process the videos in some way, and YouTube is well known to be bad for this.
In HD Vimeo looks better although there are some slight interlacing-ish kind of artefacts on camera motion. YouTube I had to click to 720p to get the HD and it's smoother but also looks oversharpened. Pinkbike as said is just SD so difficult to compare at HD levels.
I generally prefer Vimeo though for bike videos. Just a nicer site and the videos seem better quality, though probably because people upload better quality anyway.
Did you follow the suggested guidelines on each site for uploading as well, as I know at least Vimeo and YouTube have particular guidelines about encoding which ensures the videos are not messed about with by their processing?0 -
Guidelines - no I didn't follow any. It would take a while for me to encode the video as per their preferred codecs (if they indeed have different ones) and it strikes me as being something beyond an average user. And I'm only slightly more capable than the average user
Though if you'd done it once then all future videos would be rendered in the same manner so it wouldn't be a faff. I'll read more into their guidelines.
Will add to MPORA, but I stuffed up the sign up page and now they won't send me an email with my password.
Thanks for the responses guys, good to get some opinions in!0 -
+ riding was in the Alps this summer - full 16 minute video here0
For me it has to be Vimeo. There is very little to choose between them, but in full screen it just seems better. Shame YouTube took 8 mins to buffer ! Maybe I was put off by like a mouse, run like a cushion be the small bookcase!0
Thanks for the input! I thought I was leaning toward Vimeo too, then I'd go back to watching Youpube I mean youtube, and have forgotten what the advantage was. Flicking back and forth hasn't helped but youtube does at times seem slightly more pixelated. I think I'm leaning toward Vimeo.
MPORA is still mucking me about and is refusing to let me upload a vid due to an 'unknown error'.0 -
Vimeo was the only one that wouldn't play in my mobile device (android). Ok not the quality control your probably looking for, but something worth factoring with the way ppl view the web now. Also YouTube no ads where pinkbike had a banner across the screen which was a pain to remove (tiny close x to hit)0
You'll get ads on YouTube if it works out you've used a copyrighted piece of music.0
the quality on all is very good i still feel vimeo edges it though. and as i said on the other thread youtube is the better known so will get you the views,
it also depends on time of day for buffering youtube will get annoyingly slow in the eves as it is probably the best known and most popular.
what camera and editing software are you using to film and produce your vids...
also good video and good riding,, which one is you (do you still have the elsworth)
this inspires me to get my whistler footage edited up and uploaded....
keep up the good
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I was using Pinnacle Studio HD, but it turns out that it can only output to HD, it can't handle HD source footage so it doens't live up to Ronseals high standards. I moved on to Sony Studio 14 which was a huge leap in professionalism and competance, great peice of software.
I had the camera on my bike - still the Ellsworth - and it was a friend that you see slo-mo pop of the shore. We rode the whole lot together, but he's got more flair than I do so naturally he was the choice to be in front of the lens. There's a 16min vid of us in the Alps on my blog if you're interested. And definately put up your Whistler stuff! I'll get there once I've had a few more incremental pay rises (one good thing about being in education).
Camera is a Kodak ZX5, shot in 720p at 60fps0 -
uploading some as i type..
i watched your full 16 min vid.. as a first attempt it's good but i would say there is room for improvement (not that i'm an expert or in way better than others) but imo i think it keeps the audiances attention if you use short and action packed footage,,
i noticed a lot of (dead time) in your 16 min edit.. i bet you could get that down to less than 10 minutes. or split it into 2 say 6 min vids or 3,, 4 min vids.
i am still learning and trying to produce decent watchable edits it aint as easy and is mega time consuming like my danimal vid it took me 2 days to edit this trying to make the edits tight then edit it to music,. by the end of the video i got bored and it shows in the edit.
but it's all trial and error.. this video was over 8 mins i managed to get down to less than 5 of ok sort of watchable footage....
i still got more to do yet :x :roll:
keep the vids coming though the riding was good especially the
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when I first put it out there in the bikeradar cloud, a few people mentioned that it came out more of a holiday video which I think is a fair assessment. And you're right about dead time too - there were a few places where, to get the action to fit the music, I had to extend earlier scenes which seemed the lesser of two evils. I considered doing a re-edit but I don't think we got good enough shots to make it worth while.
Your danimal video looks great - the DoF really comes out well showing the benefits of filming on an SLR. Must have taken you a bloody age to set up those shots though! They're the kind of things my Alps edit would have benefitted from. Though you end up spending less time riding for setting everything up. Only suggestion would be to try and fit the edit to the music but that's a laborious job too.0 -
your not wrong lugging all that equpment up there camera, lenses , tripod ect was a mammoth task..
setting up the shots was'nt to bad (best to scout the trail before hand and have an idea were to set up)
time wise it took 2 days (only because my flash card filled up and i could'nt shoot anymore footage.) was going to get another flash card but they silly money for a decent one and i lost my job in july (redunancy) and not been able to find another.
as for flow it's hard to find cause as you will see start shot 1 enter the trail. stop hike out stop camera
set up shot 2 film it out of sight stop hike back stop camera reposition for shot 3 blah blah blah..
so it does kinda of ruin the ride..
thats why we designate a day just to film or an afternoon just to film..
i did try to edit the video to the music cutting from each secne on a cymbol crash or hit of the drums or guitar rift but like you say it is mega sole destroying especially when you have a 4 year old who wants to play.. and the song was shorter than my video this what i ment by i got bored and kinda of lost intrest next time i will try to get a better match time wise when choosing a song..
this is another edit of a trail called bigtimber filmed and edited by our kid.. ... FPJH4tfSJc
i think one would benefit from
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Again, video looks great and any song chucked over the top would be better than nothing, even if you didn't cut to it in some way.
Sorry to hear about the job btw - hope something comes up for you.
You still get out to Lee Quarry?0 -
now i am back from whistler i will be applying for anything and everything that i feel will suite me.. i hope i can find something soon...
as for leequarry not been since august as we were in whistler for 3 weeks through sept and i cant ride for another 3 weeks due to the dislocated finger.
i did it on day 3 of the hol on wed was back on the bike riding on fri..i have been told by the acute hand specialist at the hospital to stay off the bike for 3 weeks as it is very weak and a slight knock could dislocate it again...
i did pop it out 2 more times in canada in the chilcotins i caught it on a tiny tree branch more like a twig it hit my finger and it poped out this time i knew how to pop it back in (pull and twist)
the 2nd was riding in pemberton on a rooty rocky dcent the vibrations and holding the bars poped it out so the pull twist method was used again...
it annoying though as i have a nice new shiney frame sat here waiting to be built up and i know i cant ride
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Mpora finally got my account working today and it have been uploaded, have a look at the link on the first post. Any further comments on preference? As a few people think vimeo, it's between that and the new contender!0
it's close they all very close in quality. youtube looks alot better when you put it into 720.
i still think vimeo gets it just.. the mpora is good quality...
it's a really cool little edit
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