Thumbs up for 'Chasing the trails'

tubaonwheels Posts: 448
edited October 2011 in MTB general
Did skills course at Dalby Forest yesterday, really enjoyable day with Steve that seemed to fly by. Was'nt sure exactly how much I'd gained from the course till I went back out at Dalby this morning.
Everything felt so much smoother and under control, my fear of drops seems to have gone and my braking is so much better. Did the 'medusa' section a couple of times which has always been my worst part of red route. But now I ride it with complete confidence, not particularly fast but nice and controlled.

I just can't wait to keep getting out and working on my new skills.


  • Good for you tubaonwheels.

    Anything that helps improve the enjoyment of your riding has to be good.

    Will be visiting Dalby with friends weekend after next so hope the weather stays good, dry at least.
  • CharlieH
    CharlieH Posts: 410
    Was it a group course or 1:1? I've been wanting to invest in one of their courses but all the group sessions have been on days that I've been working on
  • It was a 1 to 1 job, a birthday present from earlier in the year. I think if I did one again a 1 to 2 or a group session would do nicely. I believe the 1 to 1 was an expensive present.
    Well worth it though!
  • CharlieH
    CharlieH Posts: 410
    Lucky sod ;) I've been hinting for ages but no surprise yet, lol