Etape de Pennines!

or should that be Ehup da Pennines - great idea but a year away and £61 to enter! to a Yorkshireman that’s very very steep even before you see the course and gradients - great idea though and a good cause, but I like the idea of paying to donate rather than asking for sponsorship (which I hate doing)

perhaps it would be better to say £61, which includes a minimum donation of £ X to the charity - that way it doesn’t look like the organisers ripping the cycling crazed rider off?


  • It does sound good, it would be nice to see the route but I don't think the Pennines will disappoint as there's some great riding around there.
  • Mossrider
    Mossrider Posts: 226
    Pennine Durham in October: Risky!
  • Its also expensive for only 68 miles. IMHO.
  • rodgers73
    rodgers73 Posts: 2,626
    You need to raise sponsorship as well as pay the fee???
  • The date would be very close to ettape cymru if ettape cymru keeps the same date next year. Think the welsh one is better value. Now if they increased the route length to 100 miles or more then it would be a tougher choice.
  • Barbes
    Barbes Posts: 72
    You pay the fee and choose whether to raise cash for the charity partner which gets your details for below the line purposes. I don't think much if any fee goes to charity - IMG run it....
  • DaveMoss
    DaveMoss Posts: 236
    The NorthernRock cyclone just up the road from Newcastle is at a warmer time of year, offers a choice of distance, including a tougher over 100 mile test, is a big event, costs half as much with part of the your basic fee going to charity and the fact that the roads arn't closed has never been a problem .

    It's a hard choice as to which one to go for.
    Sportives and tours, 100% for charity,
  • Mossrider wrote:
    Pennine Durham in October: Risky!
    risk of.... snow?
    it is very expensive - if you train for 40-50 miles normally on a weekend ride, why pay so much extra for closed roads - perhaps a better explanation of pricing and charity contribution would solve this debate
  • Stedman
    Stedman Posts: 377
    I’ve had the e-mail today telling me about the event, however I don’t understand why anyone would want to organise the English closed road event when it is probably falling on the same day as the Welsh one.

    October is also not the best month to hold such a road event. :roll:
  • reading all the negative comments about the etape cymru, the etape oennines will be much more organised as its the same company that do the etape caledonia, scenery is great and so its on in october so what!!! a bit of rain or wind never put me off, getting out on my bike, and its in my backyard be a shame not to do it. roll on next october. :lol:
  • £61
  • a lot of people winge about the 61 pound entry fee, but lots of people pay 30 40 pound to do sportives on open roads, which do not live up to expectations, and are on open roads, so (imo) 61 quid is not a bad price for a closed road event. also there must be demand as the etape caledonia sold out in record time, so demand outstripes supply, so thats tells me people are willingto fork out the money. at the end of the day you either pay or you dont.
    we all have a right to winge if we paid a lot of money and it was not as billed, but if it good then they can have no complaints,unlike the etape cymru,so glad i never entered aafter reading all the negative comments.roll on next may and october. keep up the good work IMG :lol:
  • What about these "controlled crossing points similar to a railway level crossing"? Where riders “will occasionally be required to stop at these points for a few minutes to allow for vehicle traffic on these A-roads to cross the Etape route”
  • butcher_boy
    butcher_boy Posts: 117
    What about these "controlled crossing points similar to a railway level crossing"? Where riders “will occasionally be required to stop at these points for a few minutes to allow for vehicle traffic on these A-roads to cross the Etape route”

    Don't affect time as there are start/stop mats for the chip.
  • issacforce
    issacforce Posts: 112
    agree with butcher boy timing mats at junction so will b ok. on another note, jst climbed langden beck hill today, bit longer than(lot longer) caledonia hill,but gud descent down other side 50+ mph, i hope people dont think it will b like caledonia, it is harder nice vhills around durham. c u all there.
  • leedsmjh
    leedsmjh Posts: 196
    Just signed up to ride this with some folks I know from Durham way.
    Anyone else think the advertised 5402 feet of ascent might be a bit of an underestimate?
  • issacforce
    issacforce Posts: 112
    dont know about understatement but climbing langdon beck from bottom to top came out at 600 metres on my garmin and thats jst one hill out of 3 cat 3 climbs