Headset parts

World\'s Dump
World\'s Dump Posts: 107
edited October 2011 in Road general
Hi there

I recently bought a new 1" headset for my bike. Unfortunately the fork was too long for the headtube, so the LBS cut the thread a litlle bit longer for me. The upshot is that there is a little bit too much thread for headset. The LBS advised that I could add spacers - which I have done. The new headset's lock nut is a little thinner however the old headset's lock nut is somewhat more substantial and makes up the gap effectively. My question is can I use the lock nut from the old headset?

also there are three headset spacers on this threaded fork see pic ; 2 x 5mm and an alloy one . Is that advisable or could i get another keyed ring etc? It looks a bit precarious but I read somewhere that it is doable.
many thanks

http://www.flickr.com/photos/37503331@N ... hotostream


  • mz__jo
    mz__jo Posts: 398
    My solution in this situation (and, like many others, I have been in this situation) is to take a hacksaw and cut the fork to the right length. Use a spacer to give a line to follow to cut it square. The tube is relatively thin so not too difficult to cut. Just make sure that you don't cut too short!