Starting a club in Birstall(west yorkshire)

EX DH Posts: 194
Not sure if this is the right place to post, but im trying to get a few people together in my local area at hopes of eventualy starting up a club. There are a few clubs round here but nothing that fits the bill (too hard core/cant be arsed so went home). Looking at doing 50/60 mile runs decent bit of climbing everynow and then. Any intrest would be great,, im going to start up a facebook page in the next couple of days so will keep you posted on the page name.

Thanks for looking.


  • Jonny7c
    Jonny7c Posts: 35
    Why don't you try Calder Clarion or Drig BC. Both are close by established clubs and both have A and B runs so you should find a level that suits. I think Batley has a club too but I don't know much about them.
  • Mossrider
    Mossrider Posts: 226
    Just what West Yorkshire needs: another cycling club. (NOT)

    I live in Huddersfield and the Huddersfield and District Cycling Association had a list of something like 16 affiliated clubs a couple of years ago (all of them having been around for many years). As opposed to setting up a new club, join an existing one and if it turns out they don't do rides to your requirement offer to run one - my club now has gone from one road ride a week to 5 (on four different days) simply by a member or two starting up specific rides that better suited them and encouraging other members to join in.

    Working from within a club with the support of the members will be much easier than starting something new from scratch and you will further benefit from lots of experience on tap. They will be really grateful for your obvious enthusiasm.
  • EX DH
    EX DH Posts: 194
    I know of three clubs in my area. Huddersfield stars are about 8 miles form me, ravensthorpe is a great club but feel a bit full on, you cant tend to do a start to finish ride under 70 miles. Tried drig last week and that sort of egged me on to try start something new. Surely there cant be such a thing as too many clubs?! even if there are only two or three of us it doesnt matter does it?
  • Mossrider
    Mossrider Posts: 226
    Huddersfield Star are my club. Two runs at 9am on a Sunday (fast and not so fast). 8 miles is not so far (I do 5 to get there and consider it a decent warm up). You might find that one of those rides suits. If it is too far you will find that a number of riders always drop off part way (some of us have families etc!)

    Ravensthorpe seem to have a wide range of riders (often see them out). All three clubs you mention are old and established so will offer a wide range of other riders with considerable knowledge and activities.

    Whatever you join do not be too afraid if they seem a little too "full on". I found on my first club rides that the others all seemed to be supermen, but after a month or so I soon realised that I had raised my fitness/ ability to their level (well, with a few honourable exceptions!)l. It hurts at first...and no one will be upset if you turn back after a couple of hours.

    My own view is that there are too many clubs in this area which leads to resources being widely stretched (usually people). On the continent there tends to be a big club for each town which means they can provide a wider range of activities and depth of support.