I am "all the gear, no idea"

frankspencer1979 Posts: 525
edited October 2011 in MTB beginners
I epitomise this and I'm not afraid to admit it!! Although I haven't spent thousands so perhaps I'm not that bad. I might be a numpty, but I wanna learn!

Please help me out with a couple of problems:

I bought a Blackspire Stinger after reading some positive reviews, but my LBS told me they only go on single chain rings. I have SRAM X7 2 x 10. I understand the reasoning behind this, but was under the impression it would work with dual ring?

Also, as it happens anyway right now, my front shifter doesn't work. When the lever's pushed, the derailleur moves to the big ring, but springs straight back once I let go, so I'm stuck in the little ring all the time. Lad in the LBS said the shifter's buggered, "the ratchets gone" and needs replacing. I trust his opinion, but the bikes only 10 weeks old so it sounds a little extreme.

Anyone got any ideas!?


  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    the stinger works on a dual ring setup, i have one.

    as for the gear shifter, have you adjusted anything recently around the mech area?
  • Stinger works with dual ring... in fact its specifically for a dual ring setup.
    The most affordable Dual-Ring chain in the world!

    Regarding the front mech, check that the H stop is set correctly. It sounds like it isn't moving far enough for the shifter to "click" into position. I assume it get stiffer as the mech moves to the correct position?

    http://www.parktool.com/blog/repair-hel ... djustments

    Should help.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418

    Regarding the front mech, check that the H stop is set correctly. It sounds like it isn't moving far enough for the shifter to "click" into position. I assume it get stiffer as the mech moves to the correct position?

    was exactly my thoughts and why i asked if he has adjusted anything.
  • Ahem... Yes, i may have accidentally loosened the allen key bolt that holds the end of the cable in position. my old man then took over and screwed the high and low stops abit but to no avail. Don't know what we were playing at but there seems to be no way back! I told lad in shop this but he still insisted buggered shifter.

    As for stinger, don't know what to do now. I clearly am not capable of fitting domething to the bottom bracket, that's a fricking minefield of embarrasment for me!
  • If you remove the cable from the front mech, does the shifter then click into all positions? If so, the shifter is fine and its your front mech setup.

    I'd say to start from the beginning and reset your front mech from the start using the instructions I linked.

    It sounds like your LBS isn't very good tbh, can you take the bike anywhere else?
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    in that case i would say it will definately be the case that the high and low screws have caused the problem.
  • What Sheeps and Northern Monkey said on all accounts. I'm also using a stinger on a double setup. The guy in your LBS sounds like a complete clumpet or just wants to get money out of you.
  • sheepsteeth
    sheepsteeth Posts: 17,418
    is your local bike shop actually a halfords?

    only joking.

    but seriously!
  • Haha, not halfords! They have a good rep up til now. I'll try somewhere else once i've had another look at it. Thanks for advice so far, i'll look again when it stops raining!
  • Update- bike been in second shop, shifter is buggered apparently. Must have been faulty from day one. Stinger gone on no problem, although not set properly due to lack of working front derailleur. Gonna get shifter through warranty hopefully
  • Anonymous
    Anonymous Posts: 79,665
    There's a fiver charge for that. It's copyrighted. I'll be expecting the monies in my Paypal account my June 14th, or I'll send the ninjas round.
  • bluechair84
    bluechair84 Posts: 4,352
    There's a fiver charge for that. It's copyrighted. I'll be expecting the monies in my Paypal account my June 14th, or I'll send the ninjas round.
    Was there ever a consensus on a name for that tiger-chested-hotpants-wearing-lumber-mod you posted a while back, or was it clumpet? Because clumpet isn't strong enough.
  • TuckerUK
    TuckerUK Posts: 369
    Hmmm, might be worth finding another LBS, your current ones seems (at best) a little lacking.
    "Coming through..."
  • Further update, shifter went back to chain reaction and was replaced under warranty. Faulty all along i guess, just waiting to break! Stinger on happily.

    Found a reliable LBS now, first one definately a clumpet re the stinger!