The good lady wants one of these....

SimonAH Posts: 3,730
edited September 2011 in Commuting chat
I'm away from home at the moment and the dearest informed me (during the obligatory "has the child decided she wants to play the bagpipes and have you set fire to the house?" evening catch-up call) that she has fallen in lust with this;

Now, as I stole her CTW allowance to buy my CXeh and promised to buy her a new bike from the tightly strung purse I had to go 'aah' a bit. I did however manage to point out that it weighs roughly the same as Winchester cathedral and is running on 26 inch wheels, which would be a shock after the Felt Curbside that I got her last time I had to make bikey amends.

Does anyone have a suggestion on a similar vein that will take fattish 700c's and is a little less portly than Fergie on a shire horse?

I do love her you know......
FCN 5 belt driven fixie for city bits
CAADX 105 beastie for bumpy bits
Litespeed L3 for Strava bits

Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
