Morning you ckjugglers

MountainMonster Posts: 7,423
edited September 2011 in The Crudcatcher
Morning all of you, off to a mountain town for the day with the wife and Grandma, 2hr40 minutes each way in a train from the 1940s, always an interesting and scenic ride, but loud as fark. After a meeting with possibly the most unprofessional president of a University yesterday morning, which started with him yelling his head off about me expressing my interest to leave the university, and ended with him in near tears because his new university is failing, i'm feeling much better today.

Lots of beer, lots of schnitzl, and lots of jokes are on order today. Hopefully her grandma won't make jokes about my arse this time though, as last time with her in Mariazell was a bit akward as she kept cracking butt jokes. :shock:

What you ladyboys up to today?


  • need to get ready and head off for an 830-6 5hite day at work....
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • mak3m
    mak3m Posts: 1,394
    Potentially arse clenching leaving doo for senior manager, his PA swears down he has himself singing a 5 min solo, as part of his leaving speech.
  • tlw1
    tlw1 Posts: 22,292
    mak3m wrote:
    Potentially ars* clenching leaving doo for senior manager, his PA swears down he has himself singing a 5 min solo, as part of his leaving speech.

    Swerve that doo if possible then!

    Yet another day of work followed by study. To actually see the family have agreed to get home by six for a bbq. No bacon but chilli sausages :)
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,375
    Somethings wrong - nearly 9am and only 4 replies on the daily crud thread. Where are all the insomniacs?

    Anyhow, this morning will be lazy; I'm going to pop into town to pick up a few bits & pieces, laze on the sofa and read a book/sup coffee. This afternoon its off to Bedgebury - will try to get one lap in while its still light then a bit of night riding. Looking forward to that :)
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]
  • foxc_uk
    foxc_uk Posts: 1,292
    Usual meh at work, followed by some fettling (probably on the patio, seems a shame to lock myself away in the garage when the weather's like this!)

  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    Hookers, Hoe's and lady's

    Been working this morning, quick stop at the bunker then off to another meeting!

    Had a nice afternoon with No2 yesterday, did some walking with the dog over the fields all whilst getting a tan in the the mega heat.

    Last nights ride was a nice relaxed one, which i think i needed, dont seem to have any power in my legs? may of been over doing it , without enough rest time?

    Anywhoo on with the day you schlaggs
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Greetings Maggots,

    Up early today, had an early night last night after my 15.5 mile ride at Cannock yesterday afternoon.
    Today I will be doing some odds and sods around the house and awaiting for my delivery of 20 x 16g CO² cartridges and a new Bite Valve for my Hydrapak.

    Back to Cannock this afternoon and if the weather's as good as it was yesterday, well, double win :¬)
  • bg13
    bg13 Posts: 4,598
    Just woke up after a shortish night shift :)

    Weather :D

    Having food :) but no bacons :cry:

    Want some cake :?

    Not gonna be a good night tonight :(

    See you tomorrow 8)
    Loving life in rural SW France

    Orange 5 Pro
    Ribble Audax
    On One Scandal 29er
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    Finally caught up with the fact it isn't Tuesday and that I'm a retard.
  • ste_t
    ste_t Posts: 1,599
    Tip of the day kids: Whisky on a school night is never a good move unless it's Dalwhinnie
  • Greetings again Maggots,

    Just had banana on toast for breakfast, energy for today's ride, I've filled my hydration bladder with a mix of Powerade and water, it's in the fridge, just chilling.
    I am hoping the postie will arrive with my warez, but knowing my luck, it'll be an afternoon delivery whilst I am out, so it'll be off to Stoke on Trent post office depot tomorrow for the slowest service known to mankind.

    Enjoy the day, I know I will, I'm off a riding :¬)
  • ste_t wrote:
    Tip of the day kids: Whisky on a school night is never a good move unless it's Dalwhinnie

    I have to disagree, Whiskey on a school night is fine for me.

    I haven't missed a class in over 12 years :roll:
    FARKBOOK TWATTER Happiness is my fucking mood!
  • Ugh, Workshop day, just on lunch...

    I hate sitting through these things jkust people talking at you :(

    still figuring out the xmas list of parts in anticipation :p
  • , off to a mountain town for the day with the wife and Grandma, 2hr40 minutes each way in a train from the 1940s, always an interesting and scenic ride,

    If it is Austria and a 1940's train and an interesting ride then that would be to Dachau innit?
  • , off to a mountain town for the day with the wife and Grandma, 2hr40 minutes each way in a train from the 1940s, always an interesting and scenic ride,

    If it is Austria and a 1940's train and an interesting ride then that would be to Dachau innit?

    Nope, in my case its the Mariazellerbahn, from St. Poelten to Mariazell, such a beautiful ride, and I just found out a few hours ago the lifts are open in summer, and saw some lovely trails. Once I get my knee checked out by the doc in a few weeks, I hope to pop down with the bike and shred!
  • Kaise
    Kaise Posts: 2,498

    been to stevenage for a meeting, design team failed to deliver anything at all, drove back to bristol, wrote e-mail to my boss to highlight design team failings, waiting for sh!t storm to begin in the next 24 hours
  • Evening

    Had an ok day at work considering how nice of a day it's been outside and i've been stuck in a warehouse all day :-(
    got into an argument on the way home with the owner of a horse, i'd slowed right down and gone wide to pass said horse yet it still got startled and dragged her along a short distance. She started ranting about how would i like to have some one sneak up behind me to which i pointed out i'd slowed down purposely, then came the famous words "you bikers are a menace, you shouldn't be allowed to ride bikes in country parks" so i came back with the calm resonse of "if you don't shut up i'll wrap my farking bike around your horses neck you stupid bitch" :oops: anyway i have packed my air horn for tomorrow so just hope i see her again.

    Anyhow rant over i'm playing football tonight and not looking forward to it with the temperature somewhere around the 1billion degree mark
    What if your dreams and fears existed in the same place? What if to get to heaven, you had to brave hell? What if everything you've ever wanted cost you everything you've ever achieved? Would you still go there?
  • Afternoon Maggots,

    Had an epic day at Cannock, it was hot today 26ºC. Like a peanut I decided to try my full face helmet out, but alas, my brain cooked and my eyes got full of sweat, so at about 2/3rd the way around FtD I headed back to the car park and swapped it for my traditional lid.

    All in a very good ride today, I met fellow Forumite "leaflite" on the last stint of FtD too.

    Right now I am ravenous and am making myself a much needed post ride feast
  • VWsurfbum
    VWsurfbum Posts: 7,881
    wife took us to pizza hut,.........................which was nice.
    Kazza the Tranny
    Now for sale Fatty
  • Stevo_666
    Stevo_666 Posts: 62,375
    Yay, just got back from a night ride at Bedgebury, top fun and no mud as it's been so damn hot :) . Glad I didn't try to go early and do a lap while the sun was out, probably would have melted.

    My new bar mounted light was vegetation frazzlingly bright but it's time to order a helmet light as there were a few 'oops' moments on tight turns!
    "I spent most of my money on birds, booze and fast cars: the rest of it I just squandered." [George Best]