Got my road bike out of moth balls and I feel like a kid

TipsterStu Posts: 74
edited September 2011 in The bottom bracket
Hey guys

Just wanted to share a little of my enthusiasm for the bike I use least ... it's a 2006 Condor Squadra.

I cycle to work on my Langster and tour on my Spesh Crossroads ... never any time for the Squadra

Last week I took the Crossroads to Brixton Cycles to have the frame replaced by a Surly X Check

Having ridden that solidly for the last two months, including London to Paris, I fancied sticking with gears so I wheeled (excuse the pun) out my Squadra ... like a racer boy in a hot hatch I hit the road with stupid enthusiasm

It's been a week of 7 miles there and 7 miles back - sprinting like Cav on the finishing the line for 35 mins or so (I'm 14 stone so give me a break)

Anyhows the long and short of it is that I love my Squadra and I'll be giving it more road time in the near future



  • desweller
    desweller Posts: 5,175
    Blimey, if the moths round your way can eat bikes, I'd not walk down a lit street at night!
    - - - - - - - - - -
    On Strava.{/url}
  • wakou
    wakou Posts: 165
    DesWeller wrote:
    Blimey, if the moths round your way can eat bikes, I'd not walk down a lit street at night!

    Des, the OP mentioned 'Brixton Cycles' I would not be at all surprised if the moffs in SW2 could eat a bike. I went to visit friends there some time ago, Friday night, about 8:30pm. Walking down the middle white lines of a busy main road (Atlantic Ave?) was a FOX. I remember thinking "that's one hard basta** fox"
    "I had righteous got my wheel backmost from a fettlin' at the LBS and was hunt transport to equitation it. As it was Refrigerated in the AM......"