What bike do I have?

Hadgfeet Posts: 17
edited September 2011 in Your mountain bikes
So I got this bike a while ago as a birthday present and just recently ive decided im going to start to ride again (need new brakes first though) anyway I just wondered does anyone know what bike mine actually is?


  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    It's been a while since I saw one of these!!! I used to have one about 5 years back:

    (Sadly, thats the only pic I have left of it!)

    Can't tell you what it is though, other than a 'hardcore 5.0' dirt/ds frame. I swapped my BMX for it with a buddy of mine, but for the life of me, can't remember where he got it from!! If I remember rightly, it was quite heavy, but I know mine took it's fair share of abuse!!

    Hope that kinda helps..
  • Nyvo
    Nyvo Posts: 25
    Looks like a Hardcore DSVD 5.0, theres not a lot of information on the Hardcore Bike Company about from the looks of it.
  • Cheers, its the lightest bike ive had but this is the first decent bike ive had and my dad got it from a mate of his, at the time he was riding for England in some races not sure what it was or what he did but it was his bike but other than that I know nothing about it or know of anyone with one. There isnt much on the web but some more google'ing might find something of use.
  • Beardface
    Beardface Posts: 5,495
    I wouldn't worry too much about it all mate, just enjoy riding it :)

    I searched for ages when I had mine trying to find out a bit more info.. gave up in the end as there is hardly anything out there!