Report from Oxenridge Farm

Operative F
Operative F Posts: 2
edited September 2011 in Commuting chat
This will be the final attempt at filing a report on activities near the Oxenridge Farm. Operative G and I have been having increasing difficulty obtaining any meaningful data from our equipment and have all but given up hope of receiving assistance and replacement materials as per our repeated requests.
We arrived at the village last Tuesday and the weather was fine. Our arrival by bicycle was clearly unexpected and the curtains twitched at a number of residences on the High St. We found Operatives M and P’s vehicle on the High St, but with no sign of their presence. The keys were still in the vehicle, but we were unable to get it to start, even with multiple attempts. The single call, received from Operative P, appears to have been verified in that all powered locomotion is impossible within 5 miles of the Farm. We have seen no cars move within this circumference, although we have heard the sounds of engines when the mist has descended.
The local hotel has received us grudgingly. The woman who seems to be the manager does not speak much and answers our questions with grunts. She offered no response when we enquired about the whereabouts of Operatives M and P. We have been unable to find any evidence of their having been present in the hotel at all and assume that they proceeded to the Farm immediately upon arrival at the town.
The Farm, itself can be described only poorly. Approach is via the single-width tarmac road but we have had to swop to Marathon Pluses after a spate of deflations. As usual, there is no evidence of the sharp object that has caused the deflation upon inspection and there is already considerable wear observable on the Pluses. Upon progression upon the road a mist descends and chills the soul. As we get closer to the Farm the mist thickens and lights become necessary, not to light the way as sufficient light pierces the gloom, but to assist with maintaining contact with Operative G. Haunting sounds play out in the trees around us. It is not clear what the source of the sounds is. Operative G tried recording the sounds, thinking that they were of animal origin. While the moving source of the sounds would support this supposition, I think that I can hear elements of recording static within the sounds. Upon playback of the tape, however, we were only able to discern a 1920s ragtime song which had not been audible before. Repeated attempts yielded the same result, even with brand new tapes.
The Farm consists of a series of buildings within a perimeter fence. I circumnavigated the fence leaving Operative G where we had arrived at the perimeter. Our compasses failed at this point so direction was difficult to ascertain. I set off in a clockwise direction and found myself passing only three 90 degree turns before relocating Operative G! He was in an agitated state and asked where I had been and why I had not returned at the allocated time. I had timed my walk as only 8 minutes but Operative G had recorded a time of 4 and three quarter hours as having passed. Both watches had been synchronised before I departed and we have been unable to find any fault since. Operative G insists that he had not moved more than 10 yards from the spot where I had left him, encumbered as he was with both bicycles, and so neither of us cannot explain why I was able to return after only 3 90 degree turns.
Further work is clearly warranted although this may be impossible with our currently failing equipment. As such we request immediate ...
