Sensitive Skin problems

powenb Posts: 296
edited September 2011 in The bottom bracket
Hi all.

I need your help.
I have an issue in that when I ride my bike now, my skin feels like someone is having a go at it with an angle grinder.
This happens after just a few minutes.
The area in question is the area at the top of my legs/bum. My 'seat'.
It is NOT saddle sores.
It is NOT my washing powder.
I've tried new shorts, and old shorts.
I've tried cotton shorts, and lycra shorts.
It appears to be a reaction between my skin and the fabric of the shorts.
Sudocrem works if used in huge amounts but only for as long as it takes to soak away and then the shorts start to irritate my skin. Normally about 30 minutes.
I used to do huge rides with no issue and no need for any chamoix cream at all.
It appears my skin has suddenly said, enough is enough.

Can someone give me any advise at all?!?!
Please?!?! :(


  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,660
  • Doctor.

  • these things are a nghtmare - and each very individual in circumstances.
    is it s skin reaction/allergy - or could it be the friction agrevating a fungus type infection/sweat differences caused by diet etc

    could it be somehting that you use regularly all over that is agrevated by friction - shower gel ?

    the sudocream is obvioulsy just working as a barrier cream.

    I suspect its something that can be treated - but you will need to go and see you GP - if you have more thani one GP in your surgery try and see someone with a skin specialism - its a a bit like mental health - a very underfunded area.
  • powenb
    powenb Posts: 296
    Thanks so far.

    I am going to see my GP this week.

    One thing I had thought about was throwing away my shorts and buying some new ones.
    But as I seem to also be midly sore just sitting at my desk, I think this may be unnecessary.
  • Is the skin getting dry, itchy, or cracked?
  • powenb
    powenb Posts: 296
    lifeform wrote:
    Is the skin getting dry, itchy, or cracked?

    No. Nothing.
    But I do have psorisis on parts of my upper body.