Ullapool Mor

cush123 Posts: 75
Anyone done this before? Three of us have signed up for it as last Sportive of the season. Can't decide if it's crazy or going to be a great event. What are the hills like? Is it long slogs of 5 miles but not that steep (ie upto 8%) or are there loads of really steep, double digit gradient climbs?

The only things I can tell so far is that it's long and there's a lot of climbing. :D The hardest thing we've done is the Ken Laidlaw Sportive. How does it compare to that?

Can you tell I'm nervous about it with all these questions?? :shock:


  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    Cush - I have done both the Ken Laidlaw and the Ullapool Mor so can compare. The Mor is harder but because it has an extra 30miles. The climbs are of a similar nature to the borders event but around Unapool there are a few little cheeky steep bits but they are small bumps not actual climbs.

    For me the first 18miles to Ledmore are the lumpiest with a few climbs back to back and you have to do this leg on the return - but there is also a fantastic down hill section. The rest of the route has some long but easily managable climbs. The wind can play a factor though and from Scourie down past the Shin and all the way to Lairg can be a bit daunting and very wild and open.

    The scnery though is AWESOME and can only be matched by events in the Alps/Pyrenees. No other event can match the eye candy of this sportive in Britain.

    On the Mor you can be isolated from other riders for a long time so if your with a group it will help. It will also help if you all work together as I always solo events and I noticed my time was slower than others who I can usually beat over 100miles because they were in groups the whole route. The terrain lends itself to group riding.

    I am also doing it this year and really looking forward to it. No need to be nervous as there is nothing really scary in this event apart from the 130miles :lol:

    Add on 1hr - 1.5hrs onto your time for the Laidlaw. Good luck on the day and just want to add its a really well run event.
    Brian B.
  • Hi Brian

    Thanks for the response. I'll make sure and take it wasy on the first 18 miles the and not over-do it and knacker myself out.

    Really looking forward to it now. :D


    PS Do you ride with WL Clarion? I live in Livi and have thought about going out with them a few times but never got round to it.
  • Brian B
    Brian B Posts: 2,071
    I used to ride with the Clarion and was one of the first members when it first started off. Due to my work load I just could never meet up with them and never renewed my license last year. Its a great club though and caters for all riders beginners to experienced.

    Its had friendly atmosphere though and everybody is made welcome.

    There is usually at least one Clarion member at any event in the Uk and I met one guy from Torphicen last year at the Mor who rides with the Clarion.
    Brian B.