Rivers Ride?

thecm Posts: 71
Anybody else doing this one tomorrow? They've had a late surge upto around 700 entries and I think have some limited EOD.

The Long course has a favourite triumvirate of climbs with Whinlatter, Newlands and Honister to finish (though with the last two from the easier sides)

Weather not looking too bad either.

Will be on a black and orange Canyon...feel free to say hello!


  • thecm
    thecm Posts: 71
    Not a bad day out but a bit weird having 35 flatish miles and then 35 tough ones to finish...a sportive of two halves.

    Stayed dry until the last mile into Keswick. And Honister was dry too...major bonus.

    Think they'll maybe do this one again next year... worth a look if you're in the NW.
  • We did this last weekend - thought it was excellent, and we really enjoyed the contrast between the flat start and the lumpy finish. Great signage, top marshals - only criticism was we thought the feedstops were a bit limited with just water and (strictly rationed) flapjack and bananas. Would prefer a savoury option like a cheese butty, and maybe something to eat/drink at the end.
  • thecm
    thecm Posts: 71
    Agree on the marshalls and signage, top notch and did you see the young lad with the french onion seller in Asby with a "Bienvenue a Asby"?
    I'm sure they'll work out from the comments what works best for feed stops. I had a late start and there was no flapjack left at the Newlands Bridge one a major disappointment with two climbs to go
  • We were saying yesterday we'd either pay a few quid more or (preferably) not get yet another t-shirt and have better feedstops. I know people say "carry your own" but then it's "going for a bike ride" and not a sportive - i do brilliant rides most weekends and carry my own stuff or stop at the caff, but the main thing about a sportive is you don't have to.

    Cracking event anyway.
  • I was also disappointed to find only water available to drink at the feed stops. I expected better of a ride sponsored by a brewery!

  • It was a new ride and judging by its success will hopefully grow and get better,I enjoyed watching it but im hoping to do it next year or something similar. :)
  • I hope it does well - the route's tough without being a real suffer-fest, and the three passes to finish is great. Riding over whinlatter with the medium riders was good too - there were a few people going slower than me!