ToB time trial order in London

Courage Monsieur
Courage Monsieur Posts: 534
edited September 2011 in Pro race
Hi All

Going to watch the ToB again this Sunday in London.

For the TT, can anyone confirm how they will order the riders on the day?

I assume leader will be last off, but do you know if they follow that throughout the whole field ie very last man on GC is first off, or whether they have a cut-off point around rider 30 or whatever and mix it up beforehand. Possibly to stop teams bunching together etc.

Many thanks


  • rick_chasey
    rick_chasey Posts: 75,661
    Given it's late in the race.

    GC reverse order.

    So last guy on GC goes first.
  • Suspected so, cheers Rick!
  • the rules wrote:
    The starting order for the Stage 8a Individual Time Trial will be the reverse order of the Individual General Classification. The commissaires may modify that order to avoid two riders of the same team riding consecutively. Riders will start the Individual Time Trial at one-minute intervals, with the exception of the final ten riders who will depart at two-minute intervals.
    Will they actually modify it to keep teammates apart? It depends how far down the GC you think they care about, and how late they get to their hotel the night before! I wouldn't expect changes away from the pointy end of the GC.
  • cougie
    cougie Posts: 22,512
    I'm sure they adjust it for team mates. All the big tours do.
  • The Tour de France doesn't adjust it anymore if you remember back o the final TT of this years Tour. The Schlecks went back to back.

    Sean Kelly said the UCI removed that rule a few years back because it barely if ever happens especially after 20 days of racing. IIRC he said they should still use it for smaller tours but i don't think it is mandatory
    Do you have any Therapeutic Use Exemptions?
    No. Never have.
    Never? What about the cortisone?
    Well, obviously there was the cortisone