Seven bridge Sportive

markkwj Posts: 44
Hi i've just entered the Seven bridge sportive on Oct 16th. Has any one out there rode it . If so what was it like. As it will be my first sportive .


  • For the long route, it's a new course this year for the middle part, but it follows roads I know pretty well. The route has not been officially declared yet, so it's not certain which way round they will do the Wye valley. It takes in the ridge roads on either side.

    Hill-wise, there's not much to be worried about except the sting in the tail. Climbs to both ridges out of Chepstow are stepped and never very steep. Climbs to both ridges out of Monmouth are steady and never very steep. However, both ridges have some "stiffeners" to keep your legs awake (and lovely views over the Severn and towards Sugar Loaf and the Brecons if the weather is good).

    Coming back, the road out of the Severn vale is a steady drag with a short kick at the end. The sting in the tail is Hawkesbury hill up the escarpment from the common, which is 14+%, and grows on you. So leave something in the legs for that.
  • Thanks for that. Hopefully I'll cope with it.
  • I'm taking a work friend on it for his first sportive, so hopefully he will as well .. :wink: