OT: - blackberry maps

mmuk Posts: 398
edited September 2011 in The bottom bracket
no, not where the best blackberries are found :)

does anyone know if it is possible to set up the map function in a blackberry to record a route - and give some info at the end (ave speed/distance etc)

I know my son's HTC can!




  • Edmondo looks to be good - free on blackberry, and links into facebook so you can no longer lie about distances and averages...
  • I've just started using Endomondo - the free version seems pretty good, and I'm quite impressed by battery life using it. Previously I tried running programmes on my Iphone and that used to kill batteries, but this seems quite frugal
    Has the head wind picked up or the tail wind dropped off???
  • I used Endomondo for the first time the other night - without a mount for my Blackberry I stuffed it in my jersey pocket. Took a little while to realise the period voice I thought I was hearing was the Blackberry reeling off mile times to me.

    The web feature's quite neat - allowing you to see other people's routes and times (if they've made them public), and also where they are on the route, if you fancy some aerodynamic assistance or company.

    The only downside is, at the moment, there doesn't appear to be a huge amount of road/sport cyclists using it.
  • McBain_v1
    McBain_v1 Posts: 5,237
    Got a blackberry with work but I doubt they would consent to me downloading this sort of stuff. I will stick with my Garmin for now :oops:

    What do I ride? Now that's an Enigma!