Where to start?

MTBRog Posts: 4
edited September 2011 in MTB beginners
Hi all
My 13 year old son has got bitten by the MTB bug over the summer. We've ridden a range of routes including a couple of reds.
Now, he wants to take things further, join a club and get good at the sport, but I can't find anywhere to get him started. We're in the (notoriously flat) Peterborough area and the few clubs I have found seem to be based around road cycling.
Can anyone offer any advice on how to find a club or do we simple have to move near some hills :shock:
Cheers in advance for any help/guidance


  • It's not a club per se, but you might want to check out meetup.com

    I'm not sure how well it caters for teenagers and MTB's (as I'm more interested in road cycling) however, I can say that all the meetups I've been on have been well organised and you get to meet friendly people.

    Good luck!
    Reporter: "What's your prediction for the fight?"
    Clubber Lang: "Prediction?"
    Reporter: "Yes. Prediction"
    Clubber Lang: "....Pain!!!"
  • benpinnick
    benpinnick Posts: 4,148
    Welcome to Bikeradar MTBRog(er?). Theres a thread somewhere among the millions of others about how half the users on here found their riding buddies through Bikeradar. Its an easy process in theory - 1. Post notification of need for riding buddies. 2. Get riding buddies.

    I suggest a well titled thread announcing (or inviting - your choice, both have advantages) your intent to ride somewhere near Peterborough (thats somewhere north of Watford right?). Once you have some riding buddles lined up, then go along, see who you can trust and take a view on letting the young'un loose on his own.

    MTBers generally have less clubs than roadies. Don't know why, especially given how social most MTBers are, but then were also slack. Either way, as Cooldad would say, I don't do clubs.
    A Flock of Birds
    + some other bikes.
  • cooldad
    cooldad Posts: 32,599
    I don't do clubs.
    A few years ago my son (14 at the time) told me he'd arranged a ride with some friends.
    On the way I asked who, expecting them to be some schoolfriends.
    He said some men he'd met online.
    After a minor freak out, his answer to my spluttering what the hell were you thinking, was 'don't worry, they ride bikes, they're ok.'
    Have since met loads of good people and had a lot of fun. And some weirdos - popstar you know who you are.

    Post something in Rides.
    I don't do smileys.

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  • :lol:
    "Why have that extra tooth if you're not using it?" - Brian Lopes

    Votec V.SX Enduro 'Alpine Thug' 2012/2013 build

    Trek Session 8
  • or theres london calling who ive been out with afew times and thats fun, though we normally go tgo swinley and surrey hills so possibly abit far for you, but youre welcome to join us.
  • BeaconRuth
    BeaconRuth Posts: 2,086
    I think it's fair to say that traditional cycling clubs tend to be road-orientated - many go back over many decades and are proud of their road-riding and racing heritage. Since MTBing is not such a long-standing branch of the sport and doesn't really go for 'traditional' in a big way I don't think you'll find many wholly MTB-based clubs, at least, not large ones with coaching and training for youngsters. Maybe in areas with some good MTB terrain but perhaps not near Peterborough!

    Instead I suggest hunting down a British Cycling Go-Ride club which may not be just MTB-oriented but they'll almost certainly spend a lot of time coaching kids and teenagers on off-road terrain. At the moment many youngsters in Go-Ride clubs will be off racing cyclocross most weeks, but your son could join in with that on an MTB.

    Also, this great series of MTB events is in your area - perhaps have a look at which clubs are involved in it and get in touch with them? http://fnssmtb.wordpress.com/

  • I'm too ill too have my usual moan about people not using google.

    but for 30seconds research I found this

    http://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/life ... _1_2477049

    and here is the facebook site

    http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7 ... 347110302/
