Any clubs in Prestwich / north Manchester?

AndyRubio Posts: 880
I'm a member of the very fine Manchester Wheelers but they're really for south Manchester. Just wondering if there are any clubs up my way? The BCF site lists all clubs, I know, but you can't tell if they're active or not.


  • Crimmey
    Crimmey Posts: 207
    MIddleton CYcling club meet Cleworth activity centre, Middleton off Long st Fri's 8pm -10pm

    West penine meet Mondays 8-10 Spring Inn, Springhill Rochdale
  • sturmey
    sturmey Posts: 964
    ABC Centreville. Based Rochdale.
  • lancashire road club - got a website ; various clarion clubs around
  • thegibdog
    thegibdog Posts: 2,106
    I think the short answer is no. I had a look when I was wanting to join a club and ended up joining the Wheelers because Bolton and Rochdale are actually further away than Parrswood for me.

    I have led a few Wheelers rides starting from Prestwich but attendance has been low, probably because the majority of club members are based in South Manchester
  • Rossendale RC, 10 mins up the M66 from Prestwich, sunday morning 9am, wed 7pm.
    ding dang do
  • Thanks! Just had a peek at the site, I seeyou have John the trainer from the velodrome in your club ("Stay on the cote d'azuRRRR!"). I guess to go to a club run I can use the contact detail for more info?
  • a_n_t
    a_n_t Posts: 2,011
    Splitter! :0)
    Manchester wheelers

    10m 20:21 2014
    25m 53:18 20:13
    50m 1:57:12 2013
    100m Yeah right.
  • C'mon MW is very south Manchester-centric, can't be arsed to ride all the way to Dids on a Sunday morning... Not planning to leave MW, just need to find some riding buddies up here in the frozen north.
  • You could try Mossley CRT losely based around Ashton and Oldham. There's also Wheel Guru (more of a racing clun but have club runs) based in Mossley, Oldham Century and Saddleworth Clarion.
  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    I'm in Prestwich. Don't know what you are looking for in a club or your fitness levels but I ride out on a Sunday, weather permitting, with Bury CTC. There are a few maniacs [only MO of course] that do the A ride on a regular basis which is usually about 100miles at a fair old pace. I've done it a few times but would rather stick with the 60/70 mile runs and still be able to walk when I get home. I ride up to meet them at Wilkinsons on a Sunday morning for 9am.

    Jim :)
  • Message for Big Jim

    Do you still go out on Sunday mornings? I'm looking to do a bit of cycle touring whilst I'm in Manchester.
  • bigjim
    bigjim Posts: 780
    Club goes out every Sunday weather permitting. :)
    Check out the website
