Help! Dust Wiper Seal Clean & Lube on 2011 Fox Float RLC

myopic Posts: 692
edited September 2011 in MTB workshop & tech
Couple of Qs.

Fox Website recommends prising the dust wiper seals out and up the stanchions without dissassembling the forks by using a srewdriver in the slots on either side of the wiper seal. Can I do this? Nope! The seal is just getting messed up in the areas I'm trying to lift and not budging anywhere else. Also the alu base is starting to get marked. If I do this as regularly as I think I need to, then it will be a real mess in no time.

Mojo have a video which involves removing the lowers. Seems more complicated but ultimately easier.

Which do people prefer? If the Fox method, how do you get the seals out?!!!

Also I can't see anything on the website about frequency for this. Obvisouly depends on conditions etc, but do people do this on average after 20h, 50h, 100h riding? I know that once I get into it I will get a feel for how often it needs done based on condition of the foam rings, but interested in others experience.

Many thanks!
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  • DCR00
    DCR00 Posts: 2,160
    how big is the screwdriver you are trying to use ?

    bigger doesn't equal better
  • 1340jas
    1340jas Posts: 217
    Follow the vid on the Mojo site. I used to push up the seals bit you will let some fine crap don ino the wiper bath and this will cause some wear over time.
    If you take the legs off as it shows in the vid you get to clean the area very well, prior to replaing the seal etc.
    It is really easy to do. Mojo sell a kit with seals fox fluid and new nuts etc

    Good luck
  • myopic
    myopic Posts: 692
    DCR00 - same size as the slots - about a size 4. also tried a 3 and some even smaller ones no good. In fact the smaller ones make an even bigger mess since the leverage is concentrated in a small area.

    1340jas - do you need new crush washers every time or can you re-use these a few times?
    You don't need eyes to see, you need vision
  • omegas
    omegas Posts: 970
    2 small screwdrivers in the slots and they come up without any pressure. add a bit of oil to wet the sponges , push back down , permanent black marker pen over any marks , job done , 2 minutes.
  • 1340jas
    1340jas Posts: 217
    I put new crush washer on, but I figure if they are not split you could reuse them. They are cheap and its easy for me as I only live a couple of miles from Mojo.
  • myopic
    myopic Posts: 692
    Omegas - not on mine they don't! Black marker tip useful except my forks are white :wink: Could use tippex if I go down this route, but I given the problems I've had so far I think I'll go the Mojo route. If they come out easily I'd be happy to do it the Fox way, but it just isn't happening!

    Cheers Jas
    You don't need eyes to see, you need vision