Redhill YMCA sportive today

JamesFree Posts: 703
Would like to send out my thanks to Redhill CC for organising an awesome little sportive and was a brilliant route with the perfect level of toughness with a brilliantly stocked feed station and refreshments afterwards and a very well marked route!

Would recommend this to anyone for next year!


  • fish156
    fish156 Posts: 496

    A very well organised sportive run by volunteers in order to raise some £s for a good local cause. The interesting, rolling route was apparently chosen by Redhill CC - their write-up here.
  • It was their first one - so I'll forgive them - but the second feed stop had run out of water (poor lady very apologetic ) and some was due in 10 mins - and we were probably some of the first on the 100 miler. and felt just a bit too far from the 1st stop. If it was a hot day riders would have got through 2 bottles and a bit between the two stops.

    route was great - right amount of climbing - and well marked - as its not one you would want to get lost on -

    not sure why the paper numbers - as no photographers. - and route map a bit poor on detail and scale - though route instructions good.

    food great - attitude/volunteers great

    tie up a few loose ends and it could be a great event.